Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Why Cars Explode Into Fireballs And Why They Usually Don't

Why Cars Explode Into Fireballs And Why They Usually Don't

Last week, noted journalist Michael Hastings was killed in a tragic and dramatic car crash that ended with his new Mercedes-Benz burning in a massive fireball. The intensity of the conflagration have made many people suspicious about the wreck. We asked our physicist.



Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/I6Fppl_dgTM/why-cars-explode-into-fireballs-and-why-they-usually-do-560552028

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Titan Unmasked: 1st Map of Saturn Moon's Topography Revealed

Scientists have pieced together the first-ever global topographic map of Titan, Saturn's largest moon, using radar observations from veteran NASA spacecraft.

The new map of Titan was stitched together from radar observations of the moon by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. It reveals an unprecedented look at Titan's surface and should help scientists learn more about one of the most Earth-like bodies in the solar system, members of the mapping team said.

"Titan has so much interesting activity ? like flowing liquids and moving sand dunes ? but to understand these processes it's useful to know how the terrain slopes," Ralph Lorenz, a member of the Cassini spacecraft's radar team at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md., who led the map design effort, said in a statement. "It's especially helpful to those studying hydrology and modeling Titan's climate and weather, who need to know whether there is high ground or low ground driving their models." [Amazing Photos: Titan, Saturn's Largest Moon]

Titan is the second largest moon in the solar system, and the only one known to have clouds and a dense atmosphere. Scientists have been keen to study the cloud-covered world because of its Earth-like qualities. Titan's atmosphere, like Earth, is primarily composed of nitrogen, but instead of water, Titan's rain, clouds and?lakes are made of methane.

Titan's nitrogen-rich atmosphere also contains organic chemicals that are derived from methane, which may hold clues to the building blocks of life as we know it, the researchers said.

Seeing through the clouds

Typically, NASA maps the topography of planetary bodies using remote cameras to observe the shapes and shadows of the landscape.?Titan's thick atmosphere, however, makes this difficult, the researchers explained.

NASA's?Cassini probe has flown by Titan nearly 100 times since it arrived at Saturn in 2004. As the spacecraft swings past the hazy moon, it uses a radar imager to pierce through the clouds. These radar measurements can then be used to estimate the heights of topographical features on the moon.

But, since Cassini is only able to observe Titan on flybys, putting together a complete map of its surface is challenging.

"We have only imaged about half of Titan's surface, and multiple 'looks' or special observations are needed to estimate the surface heights," Lorenz said. "If you divided Titan into 1-degree by 1-degree [latitude and longitude] squares, only 11 percent of those squares have topography data in them."

To create a global map, Lorenz and his colleagues used a mathematical process called "splining," which uses smooth, curved surfaces to stitch together grids of existing data.

"You can take a spot where there is no data, look how close it is to the nearest data, and use various approaches of averaging and estimating to calculate your best guess," Lorenz said. "If you pick a point, and all the nearby points are high altitude, you'd need a special reason for thinking that point would be lower. We're mathematically papering over the gaps in our coverage."

Piecing together the puzzle

Scientists already knew that Titan's polar regions are lower in altitude than regions around the equator, but the new topographic map fills in details that will enable researchers to make more accurate models of how and where Titan's rivers flow, and seasonal distribution of the moon's?methane rainfall.

"The movement of sands and the flow of liquids are influenced by slopes, and mountains can trigger cloud formation and therefore rainfall," Lorenz said. "This global product now gives modelers a convenient description of this key factor in Titan's dynamic climate system."

The map was compiled using data from 2012, but Lorenz said it may be updated when the Cassini spacecraft's mission ends in 2017. In the meantime, the scientists are hoping the newly compiled topographical information will spur new research on Titan.

"With this new topographic map, one of the most fascinating and dynamic worlds in our solar system now pops out in 3D," Steve Wall, deputy team leader of Cassini's radar team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., said in a statement. "On Earth, rivers, volcanoes and even weather are closely related to heights of surfaces ? we're now eager to see what we can learn from them on Titan."

The map was published in the July 2013 issue of the journal Icarus.

Follow Denise Chow on Twitter?@denisechow. Follow us?@Spacedotcom,?Facebook?or?Google+. Originally published on?SPACE.com.

Copyright 2013 SPACE.com, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/titan-unmasked-1st-map-saturn-moons-topography-revealed-143046055.html

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US factory boss held hostage by workers in Beijing

BEIJING (AP) ? An American executive said he has been held hostage for four days at his medical supply plant in Beijing by scores of workers demanding severance packages like those given to 30 co-workers in a phased-out department.

Chip Starnes, 42, a co-owner of Coral Springs, Florida-based Specialty Medical Supplies, said local officials had visited the 10-year-old plant on the capital's outskirts and coerced him into signing agreements Saturday to meet the workers' demands even though he sought to make clear that the remaining 100 workers weren't being laid off.

The workers were expecting wire transfers by Tuesday, he said, adding that about 80 of them had been blocking every exit around the clock and depriving him of sleep by shining bright lights and banging on windows of his office. He declined to clarify the amount, saying he wanted to keep it confidential.

"I feel like a trapped animal," Starnes told The Associated Press on Monday from his first-floor office window, while holding onto the window's bars. "I think it's inhumane what is going on right now. I have been in this area for 10 years and created a lot of jobs and I would never have thought in my wildest imagination something like this would happen."

Workers inside the compound, a pair of two-story buildings behind gates and hedges in the Huairou district of the northeastern Beijing suburbs, repeatedly declined requests for comment, saying they did not want to talk to foreign media.

It is not rare in China for managers to be held by workers demanding back pay or other benefits, often from their Chinese owners, though occasionally also involving foreign bosses.

The labor action reflects growing uneasiness among workers about their jobs amid China's slowing economic growth and the sense that growing labor costs make the country less attractive for some foreign-owned factories. The account about local officials coercing Starnes to meet workers' demands ? if true ? reflects how officials typically consider stifling unrest to be a priority.

Huairou district and Qiaozi township governments declined to comment.

A local police spokesman said police were at the scene to maintain order. Four uniformed police and about a dozen other men who declined to identify themselves were standing across the road from the plant.

"As far as I know, there was a labor dispute between the workers and the company management and the dispute is being solved," said spokesman Zhao Lu of the Huairou Public Security Bureau. " I am not sure about the details of the solution, but I can guarantee the personal safety of the manager."

Representatives from the U.S. Embassy stood outside the gate much of the day, and eventually were let in. U.S. Embassy spokesman Nolan Barkhouse said the two sides were on the verge of an agreement and that Starnes would have access to his attorneys. It was unclear what agreement might be reached, and subsequent attempts to contact Starnes were not immediately successful.

Starnes said the company had gradually been winding down its plastics division, planning to move it to Mumbai, India. He arrived in Beijing last Tuesday to lay off the last 30 people. Some had been working there for up to nine years, so their compensation packages were "pretty nice," he said.

Some of the workers in the other divisions got wind of this, and, coupled with rumors that the whole plant was moving to India, started demanding similar severance packages on Friday.

Christian Murck, president of the American Chamber of Commerce in China, said he wasn't familiar with Starnes' case, but that such hostage-taking was "not a major problem" for the foreign business community.

"It happened more often say 15 years ago than today, but it still happens from time to time," he said. "It rarely leads to personal harm to the managers involved, but there are cases when it has in years past."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/us-factory-boss-held-hostage-workers-beijing-074855847.html

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Will Smith Not In 'Independence Day 2,' Director Roland Emmerich Says

"Independence Day" is finally getting the sequel fans have awaited for nearly two decades, but its biggest star won't be coming along for the ride.

Will Smith, whose role in the 1996 alien-invasion blockbuster helped propel him to megastardom, will not be appearing in "Independence Day 2," director Roland Emmerich told the New York Daily News on Saturday. "He's too expensive," Emmerich lamented.

That admission comes hot on the heels of Thursday's announcement that 20th Century Fox would be bringing the highly anticipated sequel to big screens on July 3, 2015. The news capped more than a decade of speculation about the long-gestating sequel, but it was not immediately clear whether or not Smith would be involved. That uncertainty wouldn't last long.

"Will Smith can not come back because he's too expensive," Emmerich told the Daily News, "but he'd also be too much of a marquee name."

"It would be too much," he said.

Smith, whose latest film, "After Earth," was a rare box-office miss, has been linked recently to several other blockbuster sequels/prequels, including "Bad Boys 3," "Hancock 2," and I Am Legend 2." His next film, an adaptation of Mark Helprin's celebrated fantasy novel "Winter's Tale," finds the actor in a supporting role for the first time in years.

Bill Pullman, who played a United States president-cum-fighter pilot in "Independence Day," has already indicated that there's a role for him in the sequel. While Emmerich has not yet revealed what other actors from the original might be returning, he did hint that several of the movie's primary characters have been written into the sequel's screenplay, which he co-wrote with producer Dean Devlin and James Vanderbilt.

"We have like maybe half of the people that you know would know from the first film (in the script)," Emmerich told the Daily News, "and the other half people who are new."

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/23/will-smith-independence-day-2_n_3484969.html

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15 Foods That Help You Stay Hydrated

According to the old rule of thumb, you're supposed to drink eight glasses of water per day (and some experts recommend even more). That can seem like a daunting task on some days, but here's the catch: You don't have to drink all that water. Roughly 20% of our daily H2O intake comes from solid foods, especially fruits and vegetables.

It's still important to drink plenty of water?especially in the summertime?but you can also quench your thirst with these 15 hugely hydrating foods, all of which are at least 90% water by weight.

Hydrating Foods

Water content: 96.7 percent.

This summer veggie?which has the highest water content of any solid food?is perfect in salads, or sliced up and served with some hummus, says Keri Gans, RD, author of The Small Change Diet: 10 Steps to a Thinner and Healthier You and a consultant to Mindbloom, a technology company that makes life-improvement apps.

Want to pump up cucumber's hydrating power even more? Try blending it with nonfat yogurt, mint, and ice cubes to make cucumber soup. "Soup is always hydrating, but you may not want to eat something hot in the summertime," Gans says. "Chilled cucumber soup, on the other hand, is so refreshing and delicious any time of year."

8 Refreshing Chilled Soups for Summer

Hydrating Foods

Water content: 95.6 percent.

Iceberg lettuce tends to get a bad rap, nutrition-wise. Health experts often recommend shunning it in favor of darker greens like spinach or romaine lettuce, which contain higher amounts of fiber and nutrients such as folate and vitamin K. It's a different story when it comes to water content, though: Crispy iceberg has the highest of any lettuce, followed by butterhead, green leaf, and romaine varieties.

So when the temperature rises, pile iceberg onto sandwiches or use it as a bed for a healthy chicken salad. Even better: Ditch the tortillas and hamburger buns and use iceberg leaves as a wrap for tacos and burgers.

9 Healthy Chicken Salad Recipes

Hydrating Foods

Water content: 95.4 percent.

That urban legend about celery having negative calories isn't quite true, but it's pretty close. Like all foods that are high in water, celery has very few calories?just 6 calories per stalk. And its one-two punch of fiber and water helps to fill you up and curb your appetite.

This lightweight veggie isn't short on nutrition, however. Celery contains folate and vitamins A, C, and K. And thanks in part to its high water content, celery neutralizes stomach acid and is often recommended as a natural remedy for heartburn and acid reflux.

30 Foods Under 40 Calories

Hydrating Foods

Water content: 95.3 percent.

These refreshing root vegetables should be a fixture in your spring and summer salads. They provide a burst of spicy-sweet flavor?and color!?in a small package, and more importantly they're filled with antioxidants such as catechin (also found in green tea).

A crunchy texture also makes radishes a perfect addition to healthy summer coleslaw?no mayo required. Slice them up with shredded cabbage and carrots, sliced snow peas, and chopped hazelnuts and parsley, and toss with poppy seeds, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper.

Superfood Secrets for a Long and Healthy Life

Hydrating Foods

Water content: 94.5 percent.

Sliced and diced tomatoes will always be a mainstay of salads, sauces, and sandwiches, but don't forget about sweet cherry and grape varieties, which make an excellent hydrating snack, Gans says. "They're great to just pop in your mouth, maybe with some nuts or some low-sodium cheese," she says. "You get this great explosion of flavor when you bite into them."

Having friends over? Skewer grape tomatoes, basil leaves, and small chunks of mozzarella on toothpicks for a quick and easy appetizer.

20 Snacks That Burn Fat

Hydrating Foods

Water content: 93.9 percent.

Bell peppers of all shades have a high water content, but green peppers lead the pack, just edging out the red and yellow varieties (which are about 92 percent water). And contrary to popular belief, green peppers contain just as many antioxidants as their slightly sweeter siblings.

Peppers are a great pre-dinner or late-night snack, Gans says. "We tell people to munch on veggies when they have a craving, but a lot of people get bored of carrots and celery pretty quickly," she says. "Peppers are great to slice up when you get home from work, while you're making or waiting for dinner."

Colorful Produce For a More Nutritious You

Hydrating Foods

Water content: 92.1 percent.

Don't let cauliflower's pale complexion fool you: In addition to having lots of water, these unassuming florets are packed with vitamins and phytonutrients that have been shown to help lower cholesterol and fight cancer, including breast cancer. (A 2012 study of breast cancer patients by Vanderbilt University researchers found that eating cruciferous veggies like cauliflower was associated with a lower risk of dying from the disease or seeing a recurrence.)

"Break them up and add them to a salad for a satisfying crunch," Gans suggests. "You can even skip the croutons!"

17 Superfoods That Fight Disease

Hydrating Foods

Water content: 91.5 percent.

It's fairly obvious that watermelon is full of, well, water, but this juicy melon is also among the richest sources of lycopene, a cancer-fighting antioxidant found in red fruits and vegetables. In fact, watermelon contains more lycopene than raw tomatoes?about 12 milligrams per wedge, versus 3 milligrams per medium-sized tomato.

Although this melon is plenty hydrating on its own, Gans loves to mix it with water in the summertime. "Keep a water pitcher in the fridge with watermelon cubes in the bottom," she says. "It's really refreshing, and great incentive to drink more water overall."

The Best Foods for Every Vitamin and Mineral

Hydrating Foods

Water content: 91.4 percent.

Iceberg lettuce may have a higher water content, but spinach is usually a better bet overall. Piling raw spinach leaves on your sandwich or salad provides nearly as much built-in hydration, with an added nutritional punch.

Spinach is rich in lutein, potassium, fiber, and brain-boosting folate, and just one cup of raw leaves contains 15 percent of your daily intake of vitamin E?an important antioxidant for fighting off the damaging molecules known as free radicals.

The 20 Best Foods for Fiber

Hydrating Foods

Water content: 91.4 percent.

This tropical fruit, also known as carambola, comes in sweet and tart varieties and has a juicy texture similar to pineapple. Its eye-catching shape looks great in a fruit salad or as an edible garnish on the rim of a summer cocktail, and as an added bonus it's rich in antioxidants, especially epicatechin?a heart-healthy compound also found in red wine, dark chocolate, and green tea.

One note of caution: People with kidney problems should avoid star fruit because of its high levels of oxalic acid.

23 Superfruits You Need Now!

Hydrating Foods

Water content: 91.0 percent.

All berries are good foods for hydration, but juicy red strawberries are easily the best of the bunch. Raspberries and blueberries both hover around 85 percent water, while blackberries are only slightly better at 88.2 percent.

"I love strawberries blended in a smoothie or mixed with plain nonfat yogurt?another hydrating food," Gans says. Strawberries add natural sweetness to the yogurt, she adds, and the combo of carbohydrates, fiber, and protein make a great post-workout recovery snack.

12 Summer Fruit and Veggie Recipes

Hydrating Foods

Water content: 90.7 percent.

Like its cousin cauliflower, raw broccoli adds a satisfying crunch to a salad. But its nutritional profile?lots of fiber, potassium, vitamin A, and vitamin C?is slightly more impressive. What's more, broccoli is the only cruciferous vegetable (a category that contains cabbage and kale, in addition to cauliflower) with a significant amount of sulforaphane, a potent compound that boosts the body's protective enzymes and flushes out cancer-causing chemicals.

Hydrating Foods

Water content: 90.5 percent.

This juicy, tangy citrus fruit can help lower cholesterol and shrink your waistline, research suggests. In one study, people who ate one grapefruit a day lowered their bad (LDL) cholesterol by 15.5 percent and their triglycerides by 27 percent. In another, eating half a grapefruit?roughly 40 calories?before each meal helped dieters lose about three and a half pounds over 12 weeks. Researchers say that compounds in the fruit help fuel fat burn and stabilize blood sugar, therefore helping to reduce cravings.

Best Superfoods for Weight Loss

Hydrating Foods

Water content: 90.4 percent.

A carrot's a carrot, right? Not when it comes to water content. As it turns out, the baby-sized carrots that have become a staple in supermarkets and lunchboxes contain more water than full-size carrots (which are merely 88.3 percent water).

The ready-to-eat convenience factor is hard to top, as well. Snack on them right out of the bag, dip them in hummus or guacamole, or?for a bit of added crunch and bright orange color?chop them up and add them to salads or salsas.

Hydrating Foods

Water content: 90.2 percent.

This succulent melon provides a big nutritional payoff for very few calories. One six-ounce serving?about one-quarter of a melon?contains just 50 calories but delivers a full 100% of your recommended daily intake of vitamins A and C.

"I love cantaloupe as a dessert," Gans says. "If you've got a sweet tooth, it will definitely satisfy." Tired of plain old raw fruit? Blend cantaloupe with yogurt and freeze it into sherbet, or puree it with orange juice and mint to make a refreshing soup.

This article originally appeared on Health.com.

Source: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Wellness/15-foods-stay-hydrated/story?id=19457119

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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Europe tests reusable spaceship

By Irene Klotz

PARIS (Reuters) - The European Space Agency is preparing to launch an experimental reusable spaceship next summer following a successful atmospheric test flight this week, officials said at the Paris Airshow.

A mock-up built by Thales Alenia Space was dropped from a helicopter flying 1.9 miles above the Mediterranean near Sardinia on Wednesday to check its handling and parachute system, company officials said.

The 14.4 foot long (4.4 meter) craft, known as "IXV" as it is an intermediate experimental vehicle, splashed down in the ocean and was retrieved by an awaiting ship.

The test flight clears IXV for a follow-on demonstration run beyond the Earth's atmosphere in August next year. That program, in turn, paves the way for an orbital prototype dubbed "Pride", slated to launch in 2018.

The aim is to help Europe develop an autonomous atmospheric re-entry system that could be used on vehicles flying experiments in space, Roberto Provera, director of space transportation programs for Thales Alenia Space, told Reuters.

"It's the first time in Europe that we've tried something like this," Provera said, adding that it could eventually be used to carry people.

The vehicles are similar to but smaller than the U.S. military's X-37B Orbital Test Vehicles, built by Boeing. Like NASA's now-retired space shuttles, they have "lifting body" designs shaped to produce lift without airplane-like wings.

For its next test, Europe will launch another IXV vehicle on a Vega rocket from the Guiana Space Center in French Guiana.

Once at an altitude of about 199 miles, the IXV will separate from the rocket and climb to about 267 miles before slamming back into the atmosphere at a speed of about 4.7 miles per second and parachuting into the Pacific Ocean.

Several U.S. firms are also developing reusable spaceships. Designs include traditional capsules, as well as "lifting body" vehicles.


Privately owned Sierra Nevada Corp., for example, is testing a vehicle called Dream Chaser that has NASA backing.

The U.S. space agency, which retired its space shuttles in 2011, is seeking commercial options to fly astronauts to the International Space Station, a permanently staffed research outpost that flies about 250 miles above Earth.

Virgin Galactic, a U.S. offshoot of billionaire Richard Branson's London-based Virgin Group, is testing a suborbital passenger vehicle called SpaceShipTwo, expected to start flying next year.

The U.S. military has two experimental unmanned reusable spaceships developed under its X-37B program. One is in orbit.

President Vladimir Putin told astronauts in orbit in April that Russia would send up the first manned flights from its own soil in 2018, using a new launch pad he said would help the once-pioneering space power explore deep space and the moon.

Thales Alenia said it has not yet finalized a price for Pride with the European Space Agency, but expects it will cost about the same as the IXV program, or roughly 200 million Euros ($264 million).

Thales Alenia Space is a joint venture owned 67 percent by France's Thales and 33 percent by Italy's Finmeccanica.

($1 = 0.7590 euros)

(Editing by James Regan)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/europe-tests-reusable-spaceship-162022862.html

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Paula Deen Canned by Food Network After Racial Slur Uproar -

pauladeenPaula Deen, queen of Southern Cooking has been dropped by the Food Network after a bizarre series of events, in which she admitted using racial epithets, using slurs against gays, and that she condoned pornography and racist jokes in the workplace. According to the NY Times, She was scheduled to appear on the ?Today? show to defend her actions, but canceled at the last minute, leaving host Matt Lauer steaming. Paula then posted two odd online videos, tearfully begging her audience to forgive her for using racist language. ?I want to apologize to everybody for the wrong that I?ve done. I want to learn and grow from this. Inappropriate and hurtful language is totally, totally unacceptable? (since removed from the service). Later this afternoon she posted a second video?in which she says ?The pain has been tremendous that I have caused to myself and to others?.

This is not the first controversy for Paula. Last year she was roundly criticized for continuing to push her sugar laden cooking after keeping secret her diagnosis of diabetes.

The Food Network stated that Paula?s contract would not be renewed when it expires this month.

This will not be a big loss for the food community. I hate to think she?d be causing herself more pain.

"I have a wide-range of food experience - working in the restaurant industry on both sides of the house, later in the wine industry, and finally traveling/tasting my way around the world. Whether you agree or disagree, you can always count on my unbiased opinion. I don't take free meals, and the restaurants don't know when, or if, I am coming."

Source: http://portlandfoodanddrink.com/paula-deen-canned-by-food-network-after-racial-slur-uproar/

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Friday, May 3, 2013

BRIEF-Nedbank says Q1 net interest income up 7.3 pct

May 1 (Reuters) - Post position for Saturday's 139th Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs after Wednesday's draw (listed as barrier, HORSE, jockey, trainer) 1. BLACK ONYX, Joe Bravo, Kelly Breen 2. OXBOW, Gary Stevens, D. Wayne Lukas 3. REVOLUTIONARY, Calvin Borel, Todd Pletcher 4. GOLDEN SOUL, Robby Albarado, Dallas Stewart 5. NORMANDY INVASION, Javier Castellano, Chad Brown 6. MYLUTE, Rosie Napravnik, Tom Amoss 7. GIANT FINISH, Jose Espinoza, Tony Dutrow 8. GOLDENCENTS, Kevin Krigger, Doug O'Neill 9. OVERANALYZE, Rafael Bejarano, Todd Pletcher 10. PALACE MALICE, Mike Smith, Todd Pletcher 11. ...

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/brief-nedbank-says-q1-net-interest-income-7-062621964.html

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Study opens new prospects for developing new targeted therapies for breast cancer

Study opens new prospects for developing new targeted therapies for breast cancer [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 2-May-2013
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Contact: Vanessa Pavinato
European Society for Medical Oncology

5th IMPAKT Breast Cancer Conference

Lugano-CH, Brussels-BE, 2 May 2013 -- A study led by prominent breast cancer experts from Europe and the US has revealed a number of potentially important prospects for targeted therapies, and brings opportunities of truly personalised therapy for breast cancer a step closer, researchers said at the 5th IMPAKT Breast Cancer Conference in Brussels, Belgium.

The IMPAKT meeting presents cutting edge, 'translational' breast cancer research that is beginning to have an impact for patients.

This current study was led by Dr Martine Piccart, Director of Medicine at the Jules Bordet Institute in Brussels, and Dr Jose Baselga, Associate Director at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York.

The researchers used modern sequencing technology to characterise the genetic aberrations of cancer genes present in tumour samples from a well-defined cohort of advanced postmenopausal patients who were enrolled in the BOLERO-2 clinical trial.

"The results of this study generated hypotheses for developing more rational targeted therapy combinations based on the specific genetic aberrations present in each individual tumour," Dr Piccart said.

"This work, together with previous works published last year, highlights again the genetic heterogeneity of breast cancer. These results show that tumours that may look very similar at the clinical level, can be genetically very different, suggesting that they may require different treatment strategies."

"There is still a long way to go before we will be able to offer truly personalised therapies to cancer patients, and support for research such as this will be critical to accelerate this process," Dr Piccart said.

The study involved postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer that was hormone receptor positive and HER2 negative taking part in the BOLERO-2 phase III trial. The trial showed that everolimus plus exemestane significantly improved progression-free survival, response rate and clinical benefit rate versus placebo plus exemestane. Although benefits were seen in all prospectively defined subgroups of women who took part, the researchers noted some variations, partially due to genetic differences in molecular determinants of everolimus sensitivity and interactions between the oestrogen receptor and mTOR pathways.

In the current analysis, researchers used next-generation sequencing to assess genetic alterations in archival tumour specimens from 230 tumours. They analysed coding regions of 182 cancer-related genes for sequence and copy number variations.

All patients had at least one genetic alteration, and 98% had more than 2, the researchers report. A total of 173 different genes were altered in at least one of the tumour samples. Among the frequently mutated genes were PIK3CA, TP53 and ARID1A.

"Some mutations were found to cluster into similar pathways, for which targeted therapies could potentially be used," Dr Piccart said.

"Although in many cases we cannot be sure what effect the mutations have on the tumour characteristics or the clinical efficacy of treatments, we did find that mutations in the tumour suppressor gene PTEN were associated with loss of protein expression and function."

The authors also found an increased mutation rate for the oestrogen receptor, a key player in breast cancer, between primary and metastatic samples, which highlights potentially clinically relevant differences between the primary and metastatic disease for this group of hormone-receptor positive patients.

More generally, the results illustrate that this kind of sequencing is feasible in phase III studies, the researchers say.

"The ability to carry on large-scale sequencing in phase III trials will potentially help us understand why some patients did show a good clinical response to the investigated drugs whereas others did not. Also, being able to sequence cancer genes in well-described clinically homogeneous cohorts of clinical trials will help to build new hypotheses regarding future targeted treatment strategies."

Dr Fabrice Andre from the Department of Medical Oncology at Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France, who was not involved in the research, said the study has two major impacts for clinical research.

First, he said, it suggests that next generation sequencing can be applied in the daily practice using archival samples. This opens new avenues for the development of personalised medicine trials. Second, by discovering new genomic segments, this study will certainly lead to the development of new biomarker-driven trials.

"This is a pioneering study in the field of personalised therapy for breast cancer since it shows for the first time that next generation sequencing can be applied to 'real-life' samples of patients with breast cancer. Until now, most of the data from next generation sequencing have been obtained with frozen tissue specifically for this purpose," Dr Andre said.

"Interestingly, this study, done in patients who have relapsed, shows an increased frequency of mutations in important genes like ESR1, IGF1R. This could lead to the development of new trials testing compounds against these genomic segments," Dr Andre said.

Following this study, prospective trials are needed to test whether the use of genomics could improve outcomes for patients, he said. "Also, we still need a comprehensive analysis of metastatic tissue in order to better develop drugs and understand the metastatic phenomenon. These two purposes will be addressed in the large pan-European effort called PRISM and led by Breast International Group (BIG)."


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Study opens new prospects for developing new targeted therapies for breast cancer [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 2-May-2013
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Contact: Vanessa Pavinato
European Society for Medical Oncology

5th IMPAKT Breast Cancer Conference

Lugano-CH, Brussels-BE, 2 May 2013 -- A study led by prominent breast cancer experts from Europe and the US has revealed a number of potentially important prospects for targeted therapies, and brings opportunities of truly personalised therapy for breast cancer a step closer, researchers said at the 5th IMPAKT Breast Cancer Conference in Brussels, Belgium.

The IMPAKT meeting presents cutting edge, 'translational' breast cancer research that is beginning to have an impact for patients.

This current study was led by Dr Martine Piccart, Director of Medicine at the Jules Bordet Institute in Brussels, and Dr Jose Baselga, Associate Director at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York.

The researchers used modern sequencing technology to characterise the genetic aberrations of cancer genes present in tumour samples from a well-defined cohort of advanced postmenopausal patients who were enrolled in the BOLERO-2 clinical trial.

"The results of this study generated hypotheses for developing more rational targeted therapy combinations based on the specific genetic aberrations present in each individual tumour," Dr Piccart said.

"This work, together with previous works published last year, highlights again the genetic heterogeneity of breast cancer. These results show that tumours that may look very similar at the clinical level, can be genetically very different, suggesting that they may require different treatment strategies."

"There is still a long way to go before we will be able to offer truly personalised therapies to cancer patients, and support for research such as this will be critical to accelerate this process," Dr Piccart said.

The study involved postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer that was hormone receptor positive and HER2 negative taking part in the BOLERO-2 phase III trial. The trial showed that everolimus plus exemestane significantly improved progression-free survival, response rate and clinical benefit rate versus placebo plus exemestane. Although benefits were seen in all prospectively defined subgroups of women who took part, the researchers noted some variations, partially due to genetic differences in molecular determinants of everolimus sensitivity and interactions between the oestrogen receptor and mTOR pathways.

In the current analysis, researchers used next-generation sequencing to assess genetic alterations in archival tumour specimens from 230 tumours. They analysed coding regions of 182 cancer-related genes for sequence and copy number variations.

All patients had at least one genetic alteration, and 98% had more than 2, the researchers report. A total of 173 different genes were altered in at least one of the tumour samples. Among the frequently mutated genes were PIK3CA, TP53 and ARID1A.

"Some mutations were found to cluster into similar pathways, for which targeted therapies could potentially be used," Dr Piccart said.

"Although in many cases we cannot be sure what effect the mutations have on the tumour characteristics or the clinical efficacy of treatments, we did find that mutations in the tumour suppressor gene PTEN were associated with loss of protein expression and function."

The authors also found an increased mutation rate for the oestrogen receptor, a key player in breast cancer, between primary and metastatic samples, which highlights potentially clinically relevant differences between the primary and metastatic disease for this group of hormone-receptor positive patients.

More generally, the results illustrate that this kind of sequencing is feasible in phase III studies, the researchers say.

"The ability to carry on large-scale sequencing in phase III trials will potentially help us understand why some patients did show a good clinical response to the investigated drugs whereas others did not. Also, being able to sequence cancer genes in well-described clinically homogeneous cohorts of clinical trials will help to build new hypotheses regarding future targeted treatment strategies."

Dr Fabrice Andre from the Department of Medical Oncology at Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France, who was not involved in the research, said the study has two major impacts for clinical research.

First, he said, it suggests that next generation sequencing can be applied in the daily practice using archival samples. This opens new avenues for the development of personalised medicine trials. Second, by discovering new genomic segments, this study will certainly lead to the development of new biomarker-driven trials.

"This is a pioneering study in the field of personalised therapy for breast cancer since it shows for the first time that next generation sequencing can be applied to 'real-life' samples of patients with breast cancer. Until now, most of the data from next generation sequencing have been obtained with frozen tissue specifically for this purpose," Dr Andre said.

"Interestingly, this study, done in patients who have relapsed, shows an increased frequency of mutations in important genes like ESR1, IGF1R. This could lead to the development of new trials testing compounds against these genomic segments," Dr Andre said.

Following this study, prospective trials are needed to test whether the use of genomics could improve outcomes for patients, he said. "Also, we still need a comprehensive analysis of metastatic tissue in order to better develop drugs and understand the metastatic phenomenon. These two purposes will be addressed in the large pan-European effort called PRISM and led by Breast International Group (BIG)."


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Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-05/esfm-son043013.php

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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Google Drive

What started as a free online alternative to Microsoft Office has quickly become one of the most impressive services for creating, editing, saving, syncing, and collaborating on documents. Google Drive (freemium) has long impressed me in just how far it goes toward helping groups of people work together on files simultaneously. Some new features rolling out in a recent update add even more support for teamwork.

It hasn't been long since Google Docs rebranded itself as Google Drive, so allow me to briefly recap: Google Docs took on the new name after it added local file syncing to its service. In other words, Google Docs?ahem, Drive?now works more like Dropbox , SugarSync, or any other file-syncing service you care to name, while still retaining the core office productivity apps. In that sense, its closest competitor may well be Microsoft SkyDrive, which also has online document creation tools.

With Google Drive, you can upload files to your Google account, convert them to Google's file format to edit them online, create new docs in the Web interface, collaborate with other users in real time, and export the finished products to more standard file formats, such as .doc, .rtf, .pdf, and so on. The latest round of changes makes working with others in real time even more intuitive, because you can see their profile pictures on the screen, where formerly you only saw a line of text at the top and a color code indicating who else was looking at or editing the file.

Because of these wide-ranging capabilities and its dedication to collaborative document editing, Google Drive remains a PCMag Editors' Choice. We have no hesitation recommending Google Drive?although it is important to understand how one of the new features works. The feature in question could potentially reveal your identity to others, but managing it is simple when you know how it works. And as much as Google Drive is an excellent platform and service, that doesn't mean it's the only file-syncing service you should use either.

What's New in Drive?
The newest change in Google Drive, which will roll out to users slowly, is that Google+ profile pictures of collaborators now appear at the top of the file when they're viewing or editing a document. Formerly, when collaborators opened a document, you would see a line of text reading "2 other viewers" at the top right, which opened to reveal their names or email addresses and a color code for each person. For example, if I invited Maria to edit a spreadsheet with me, I would see her name appear next to a pink square at the top of the spreadsheet any time she opened it. As she moved through cells, they would appear highlighted in pink.

The new feature adds Maria's profile picture at the top of the document and would let me add her to my Google+ circles. There's also now an integrated group chat feature that lets multiple collaborators hold discussions via text while they're working.

Another fairly big addition is offline access to all your Drive materials if you're using Google Chrome OS. To enable this setting, go to your Google Drive page and look under the "More" button the left for the offline access setting. Turning on this feature lets you read and edit your files offline; changes will sync to the cloud the next time you connect.

The toughest criticism Google Drive has faced amount to concerns over privacy and IP ownership. The new collaboration features could put your face in front of strangers if you're not careful, but it's very easy to manage this potential problem with an ounce of care.

Some Google Drive owners keep their documents open to the public, and if you're signed into your Google account when you view these files, other users will be able to see your picture and name. When looking at public files, it's a better idea to log out of Google, or use a different browser, and maybe also turn on incognito features if your browser has them to keep yourself anonymous. Anonymous users are assigned random profile pictures of animals instead, such as a dolphin, dinosaur, or beaver.

My feeling on the matter of privacy in Google Drive is this: If you are comfortable using Gmail, you should be comfortable with Drive. If you are skeptical of Google's user agreements, don't use Google products. For more in-depth analysis, see "Google Drive's Terms of Use: Lazy People Should Worry."

Main Features of Drive
The gist of Google Drive, and the main attraction to it, is it can store your files in the cloud where they are accessible to you and your collaborators, and become highly searchable.

One feature related to "search" stands out: Google's ability to scan a photo and "read" it using optical character recognition, or identify it using its own technology. The only other app of this kind that uses built-in OCR nearly as well is Evernote , although you have to have a paid Premium account to use it.

Google also claims Drive allows videos to be uploaded, but we encountered some issues with that part of the service.

Like many other general file-syncing services, Google Drive works better for document files than multimedia. It's not ideally meant to be a music and video streaming service?for that kind of product, you'll likely need a paid service and device, such as the Verbatim Mediashare Mini, although SugarSync does offer some neat capabilities and support for streaming iTunes music. Amazon Cloud also offers some special support for music and movies. However, within the Google universe you can use Google Play in tandem with Drive (more on that in a bit).

Carryover Features from Google Docs
The core services and functionality that were in Google Docs, namely, a free online office suite where files are also hosted, remain intact in Drive. Google Docs is one of the best known free alternative to Microsoft Office, although it's entirely Web-based?there's no software to install to use it (the only downloadable part is the app for local syncing with Drive).

As with Microsoft Office, Google Drive lets you create word processing documents, spreadsheets, presentation documents, forms, vector drawings, and now in beta, tables. Google hosts your files, too, so when you log in, all your files are there. You can sort them into customizable folders, which appear along a left pane, or just search for what you need, using a standard search bar in the Web app.

When you create a document in Google Drive, the file format used is Google's own. However, the system couldn't be more flexible. You can export Google documents to more standardized files formats, like .doc, .rtf, .ppt, .pdf, and more; and you can import practically any document with the option of keeping it in its native format (which may limit your ability to edit it) or translating it into a Google doc file, which makes it editable in the online service. I've certainly had my share of moments when I was stuck on a computer that didn't have Microsoft Office at the very moment someone emailed me an important file that required my feedback pronto. Google Drive saved the day. I could open the file in GoogleDrive, edit it, and export the revised file back out to its original form. Occasionally some formatting will go haywire during this process, but it gets the job done.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/hpQ0vAJfEIY/0,2817,2403546,00.asp

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Monday, April 29, 2013

The iPhone Is One of the Best Android Phones You Can Buy

The addition of Google Now to the iOS App Store has granted iPhone owners access to one of Google's most useful products. But it did something else, too. It made the iPhone a better Android phone than the vast majority of Android phones you can buy.

The Android Experience

Let's be clear right up front; if you want a top-flight, pure Android phone, you should be looking at the Galaxy S4 or Nexus 4 or HTC One, full stop. Not only do they?and a few other flagship handsets?feature powerful hardware, they're also equipped with Jelly Bean, Google's last major Android update. They're wonderful, you would enjoy them.

But those phones represent a lonesome minority, an elite advanced guard that most existing Android handsets may never join. Only 25 percent of Android devices run Jelly Bean, which means that only one in four can access Google Now.

And most older phones will never get promoted. And even if they do, individual app updates?even for Google products?can take forever.

By contrast, today's addition of Google Now to Google Search means that any phone running iOS 6?which means every iPhone back to and including 2009's 3GS?has access to one of Android's marquee features.

And that's just Google Now. There are 25 Google iPhone apps available in the iOS App Store today. Nearly all of them have been updated in the last three months, and the ones you use the most?Gmail, Google Maps, Chrome, etc?are kept up as up to date as their Android counterparts. They work in harmony, too; trying to find directions in Google Now will open Google Maps instead of Apple's mediocre alternative. And as long as you're signed in with your Google account, what you do on one device carries over to any other.

Combine that interwoven goodness with the iPhone's exquisitely chamfered, super-lightweight body, and you've got yourself quite a package. To the extent that the Android experience is the Google experience, you really can't do much better.

What's Missing

There's more to Android than just Google apps, of course. The iOS desktop experience is far more rigid than what you'll find on even the clunkiest Froyo device. And while iOS notifications go a long way towards the seamless integration of Google services, you still can't get anything approaching the customizability Android provides with stock iOS.

But even that objection is largely surmountable. Jailbreaking an iPhone doesn't give you the same godlike powers as rooting an Android device, but it does let you continue to use App Store apps (like Google's) and make the phone look and feel like your own. Or like? Android.

The other big drawback is that some Google apps on iOS will lag behind, say, the latest Nexus release on certain features. But at least you can be more confident that you'll get them eventually.

What a Google Wants

The fact is, Google still doesn't ultimately care what device you're using its services on, just so long as you're using them. That's not going to change any time soon. Openness is baked into all of Google's services. Whereas iMessage's one true aim is to keep you bottled up inside iOS forever, Google has built Drive, Mail, and all of its other pillars to be as platform-neutral as possible. The more people using Google, the more highly relevant ads the company can serve.

And while the iPhone has always benefited from that to some degree?especially since Mountain View took charge of its iOS apps once and for all?Google Now's iOS availability is a strong acknowledgment that the company's willing to prioritize mass adoption of its best features ahead of getting its legacy Android devices up to speed.

What that means for you?since iOS updates bring so many legacy devices along with them?is that you can have more faith that an iPhone you buy today will get future Google bells and whistles than the vast majority of currently available Android phones.

Again, by all means, get an HTC One or a Galaxy S4. But do it for the design or the skin or the camera or the features. If it's Google you're looking for, you might just want to swing by the nearest Apple Store.

Source: http://gizmodo.com/the-iphone-is-one-of-the-best-android-phones-you-can-bu-484580304

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Protect Your Kids From Pollen Allergies: Expert - Health News and ...

15096 Protect Your Kids From Pollen Allergies: Expert

SATURDAY, April 27 (HealthDay News) ? Many children suffer allergies at this time of year as trees and other plants start releasing pollens into the air. So parents need to monitor their youngsters for symptoms, an expert says.

?There are different types of allergies, but if you notice that your child has more symptoms and reactions during the spring it?s a clue that they have a pollen allergy,? Dr. Joyce Rabbat, a pediatric allergist at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, said in a Loyola news release.

Symptoms of pollen allergies ? which are most likely to be worse on dry, windy days ? include itchy eyes, sneezing, stuffy/runny nose, coughing and asthma.

?If your child?s allergy symptoms are interfering with his or her daily life, there is no reason to let the child suffer. Allergy symptoms are very treatable. Some people think it?s just something they need to ?live with? but that?s not the case,? Rabbat said.

She said parents can take the following steps to help reduce children?s allergy symptoms:

  • Check pollen counts and limit children?s time outside when the counts are high.
  • Keep windows and doors closed, especially on high-count days. This will help limit the amount of pollen that lands on furniture and carpets. Turn on your air conditioner to filter pollen from the air within your house.
  • Have children wash their face and hands when they come in from outdoors. A shower and change of clothes can take pollen off the body.

?If your child is active outdoors or in sports, make sure he or she takes allergy medication before heading outside,? Rabbat said.

Parents also need to watch for asthma symptoms because many children with allergies also have allergic asthma. Symptoms of allergic asthma include coughing, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, wheezing and a feeling of tightness in the chest.

?Often treating children?s allergies helps to control their asthma as well. Kids may need to take an allergy medicine before going outside, or they may need daily allergy medication. It?s also important to get ahead of your allergy symptoms. Once allergies are flaring, they become more difficult to treat. If you are on a good medication regimen before the pollens peak, it makes for a much more enjoyable season,? Rabbat said.

More information

The Nemours Foundation has more about seasonal allergies in children.

HEALTHDAY Web XSmall Protect Your Kids From Pollen Allergies: Expert

Source: http://news.health.com/2013/04/27/protect-your-kids-from-pollen-allergies-expert/

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Police: 4 people stabbed at Albuquerque church

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) ? A man jumped over several pews at an Albuquerque Catholic church and stabbed several members in the choir area just as Mass was ending Sunday, Albuquerque police said.

According to authorities, Lawrence Capener, 24, walked up to the choir area at St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church and stabbed church-goers just as the choir began singing its final hymn. The man continued his attack until other raced to subdue the man until police arrived, police said.

Four church-goers were injured in the attacked and their injuries weren't life-threatening, Albuquerque police spokesman Robert Gibbs aid. Among those stabbed were the church choir director Adam Alvarez, flutist Gerald Madrid and two other parishioners before he was tackled by several other churchgoers, Gibbs said.

All four were being treated at hospitals and listed in stable condition, police said late Sunday.

Three church members also were evaluated by Albuquerque Fire Department on scene and didn't go to the hospital, investigators said.

It was not immediately known what sparked the bizarre attack at the church on the city's Westside. Investigators don't yet know whether Capener had ties to the victims or whether he regularly attended the church, Gibbs said.

After attacking several church members, including an off-duty firefighter and others at the church, held Capener and held him down until police arrived.

Madrid told KOB-TV that he tried to stop Capener by placing him in a bear hug but was stabbed in the neck and back.

Police described the stabbing scene as chaotic as parishioners screamed as the attack unfolded.

The choir's pianist, Brenda Baca King, told KRQE-TV that the attacker was looking at the lead soloist. "I just remember seeing him hurdle over the pews, hurdle over people and run (toward) us and I thought, 'Oh my God, this is not good,'" Baca King said.

Capener was interviewed by police and was expected to face felony charges, Gibbs said.

It's not yet known whether Capener has an attorney.

Archbishop of Santa Fe Michael Sheehan released a statement Sunday afternoon saying he was saddened by the attack.

"This is the first time in my 30 years serving as archbishop in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe and as Bishop of Lubbock, that anything like this has occurred," Sheehan said. "I pray for all who have been harmed, their families, the parishioners and that nothing like this will ever happen again," Sheehan said.

The church didn't immediately return calls seeking comment on Sunday afternoon.


Follow Russell Contreras on Twitter at http://twitter.com/russcontreras

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/police-4-people-stabbed-albuquerque-church-043903339.html

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Visualized: Boeing supersonic airliner concept soars in a wind tunnel, quietly

Visualized Boeing's supersonic airliner design carves wind tunnel air, quietly

No, you're not looking at an early preview of Star Wars Episode VII -- it just might represent the future of air transport, though. Boeing has spent years developing a truly quiet supersonic airliner concept, the Icon II, and what you see is an aerodynamics test of a mockup in a vaguely Death Star-like wind tunnel at NASA's Glenn Research Center. The starfighter design is for more than just show, as you'd suspect. Its V-tail design moves sonic booms further back, reducing the chance that shockwaves will reach the ground (and our ears) intact, while the top-mounted engines isolate engine noise. Boeing and NASA are ultimately hoping for production passenger aircraft discreet enough to fly over land at supersonic speeds, although we can't help but think that the sci-fi look is a convenient bonus.

Filed under: ,


Source: New Scientist

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/27/visualized-boeing-supersonic-airliner-concept/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=Feed_Classic&utm_campaign=Engadget

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Miss. man arrested in ricin letters case

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) ? A Mississippi man whose home and business were searched as part of an investigation into poisoned letters sent to the president and others has been arrested in the case, according to the FBI.

Everett Dutschke, 41, was arrested about 12:50 a.m. Saturday at his Tupelo home by FBI special agents in connection with the letters, FBI spokeswoman Deborah Madden said. The letters, which tests showed were tainted with ricin, were sent last week to President Barack Obama, Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi and earlier to an 80-year-old Mississippi judge, Sadie Holland.

Madden said FBI special agents arrested Dutschke (pronounced DUHS'-kee) without incident. She said additional questions should be directed to the U.S. attorney's office. The office in Oxford did not immediately respond to messages Saturday.

Dutschke's attorney, Lori Nail Basham, said Saturday in a text message that "the authorities have confirmed Mr. Dutschke's arrest. We have no comment at this time." Basham also said via text that she didn't know what the charges against Dutschke were.

Basham said earlier this week that Dutschke was "cooperating fully" with investigators. Dutschke has insisted he had nothing to do with the letters.

Ryan Taylor, a spokesman for Wicker, said Saturday that "because the investigation is still ongoing, we're not able to comment."

Charges in the case were initially filed against an Elvis impersonator but then dropped. Attention then turned to Dutschke, who has ties to the former suspect, the judge and the senator. Earlier in the week, as investigators searched his primary residence in Tupelo, Dutschke had remarked to reporters, "I don't know how much more of this I can take."

Charges initially were filed last week against Paul Kevin Curtis, 45, the Elvis impersonator, but then dropped after authorities said they had discovered new information. Curtis' lawyers say he was framed.

Curtis' attorney, Christi McCoy, said Saturday: "We are relieved but also saddened. This crime is nothing short of diabolical. I have seen a lot of meanness in the past two decades, but this stops me in my tracks. "

Dutschke and Curtis were acquainted. Curtis said they had talked about possibly publishing a book on an alleged conspiracy to sell body parts on a black market. But he said they later had a feud.

Judge Holland is a common link between the two men who have been investigated, and both know Wicker.

Holland was the presiding judge in a case in which Curtis was accused of assaulting a Tupelo attorney in 2004. Holland sentenced him to six months in the county jail. He served only part of the sentence, according to his brother.

Holland's family has had political skirmishes with Dutschke. Her son, Steve Holland, a Democratic state representative, said he thinks his mother's only other encounter with Dutschke was at a rally in the town of Verona in 2007, when Dutschke ran as a Republican against Steve Holland

Holland said his mother confronted Dutschke after he made a derogatory speech about the Holland family. She demanded that he apologize, which Holland says he did.

On Saturday, Steve Holland said he can't say for certain that Dutschke is the person who sent the letter to his mother but added, "I feel confident the FBI knows what they are doing."

"We're ready for this long nightmare to be over," Holland told The Associated Press.

He said he's not sure why someone would target his mother. Holland said he believes Dutschke would have more reason to target him than his mother.

"Maybe he thinks the best way to get to me is to get to the love of my life, which is my mother," Holland said Saturday.


Associated Press writer Jack Elliott Jr. in Jackson, Miss., contributed to this report.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/fbi-miss-man-arrested-suspicious-letters-case-151339370.html

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CSN: Phils' Kendrick throws 3-hit shutout of Mets


NEW YORK -- Kyle Kendrick pitched the second shutout of his career as the Phillies snapped a three-game losing streak with a 4-0 win over the New York Mets at Citi Field on Friday night.

Michael Young and Ryan Howard had the big hits.

The Phillies are 10-14.

The Mets are 10-11.

Starting pitching report
Kendrick (2-1) allowed just three singles and a walk. He struck out five. He threw 107 pitches.

For his career, Kendrick is 3-1 with a 1.97 ERA in six games (four starts) at Citi Field.

Mets? right-hander Dillon Gee (1-4) allowed seven hits and four runs in six innings. Four of the hits and all of the runs came in the sixth inning. Jimmy Rollins started that inning with a single.

Gee has lost twice to the Phillies this season. He has given up 11 runs and four homers in nine innings.

Bullpen report
After struggling the previous two games, the Phillies? bullpen got the night off.

At the plate
For the fourth game in a row, the Phils had a situation in which they had runners at the corners and no outs. For the first time, they scored on one of these situations as Young singled home Rollins in the sixth. Howard followed with a long, three-run home run to center. Howard?s third home run of the season was his 36th career longball against the Mets.

Young had three hits and is hitting .333.

In the field
Mets rightfielder Mike Baxter lost a fly ball from Laynce Nix in the lights and it went for a double.

Ruiz update
Carlos Ruiz played for Double A Reading on Friday night. He will play for Reading again Saturday night and be activated for Sunday?s game against the Mets. Asked if Ruiz would start Sunday?s game, manager Charlie Manuel said, ?More than likely.? Cole Hamels will pitch Sunday.

Umpire ill
A three-man umpiring crew worked the bulk of the game after home plate umpire Brian O?Nora left in the first inning with flu-like symptoms.

Up next
Jonathan Pettibone (0-0, 3.38) makes his second big-league start Saturday afternoon at 1 p.m. against Mets right-hander Shaun Marcum, who will be making his season debut.

Source: http://www.csnphilly.com/baseball-philadelphia-phillies/instant-replay-phillies-4-mets-0

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Eleven hurt in bus, train accident in Pennsylvania

EVANS CITY, Pa. (AP) ? Authorities say 10 passengers and a driver were injured when a freight train and a rural transit bus carrying senior citizens and people with developmental disabilities crashed at an unmarked railroad crossing.

The crash occurred in Evans City, about 25 miles northwest of Pittsburgh, at about 8:10 a.m. Friday. Officials say at least two people suffered serious injuries and three others were treated and released from area hospitals. The passengers ranged in age from 26 to 92.

Evans City police Chief Joseph McCombs says it appears the bus entered the crossing and stopped on the tracks. The engineer sounded a horn and attempted to stop, but couldn't avoid the small bus, which came to rest about 20 feet away.

Police were investigating whether dense morning fog contributed to the crash.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/transit-bus-train-crash-pa-11-hurt-161617613.html

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

CSN: Orioles open road swing with rout of A's


OAKLAND -- The A's were happy to be back home after an unsuccessful 1-5 road trip. The comforts of the Oakland Coliseum wouldn't be enough to get them going in the right direction against the Baltimore Orioles on Thursday night. After the A's took an early 2-0 lead, the Orioles responded with 10 unanswered runs and won the game 10-2.

At the Plate

The A's missed an opportunity in the first inning. Coco Crisp led off with a single and had second base stolen with a big jump when John Jaso popped out on a 1-0 pitch to center field, forcing Crisp to sprint back to first. Seth Smith followed with an inning-ending double play.

The Orioles defense imploded in the second inning, allowing the A's to score two runs. Brandon Moss reached on an error and Josh Reddick drew a walk. They both scored when Josh Donaldson smashed a ball that Adam Jones dropped after getting a bad read. It was ruled a two-run double.

After falling behind, the A's offense didn't get much going for the rest of the game. They missed their biggest chance to score when they had runners on first and second and no outs in the seventh inning, but Adam Rosales grounded into a double play and Crisp grounded out to end the inning.

Starting Pitching Report

Jarrod Parker threw two scoreless innings to start the game, but things unraveled for him after the A's scored two runs in the second.

Parker wasn't able to get the shutdown inning as he allowed three earned runs. Nolan Reimhold hit a one-out double and scored when Nate McLouth hit a single. Nick Markakis drove home McLouth with a two-out single to right field to tie the game. Reddick scooped up the ball that Markakis hit, but dropped it on the transfer before he could throw it home.

Jones, who dropped a ball in the previous inning, made amends by hitting a go-ahead double to make it 3-2 Orioles.

After the Orioles' third run scored, pitching coach Curt Young took a trip to the mound that ended with him being ejected for the first time in his career. Young and first base umpire Jim Reynolds ended up getting into an argument and Young was tossed before A's manager Bob Melvin could intervene.

Young took exception to the fact that Reynolds ruled that Reimhold didn't go around on a check swing prior to his double earlier in the inning.

Parker responded to the extra curricular activity by striking out Chris Davis to end the inning. He bounced back in the fourth inning, when he struck out two batters and only allowed a single.

In the fifth inning he gave up a leadoff double to McLouth, who moved to third on a sacrifice bunt and scored on a sacrifice fly to make it 4-2 Orioles. Davis got the upper hand on Parker later when he clubbed his eighth home run of the season in the sixth inning.

When all was said and done, Parker allowed six runs on eight hits in 5 1/3 innings. He now has an 8.10 ERA this season.

Bullpen Report

Chris Resop entered in relief of Parker with one out in the sixth inning and two runners aboard. He walked the first batter he faced to load the bases. He almost escaped without allowing a run, when he induced what could have been a double play ball, but McLouth beat the throw to first and the Orioles scored.

The Orioles loaded the bases against Resop in the seventh inning with no outs and he was pulled from the game. Pat Neshek was given the tough task of pitching out of the bases loaded jam, and he allowed two of the runners to score.

Jesse Chavez allowed two runs in the eighth inning to make it a 10-2 game. He pitched a scoreless ninth inning.

In the Field

The Orioles scored two runs in the seventh inning when J.J. Hardy hit a ball that fell perfectly between three A's fielders. Jed Lowrie was running out, Crisp was running in, and Chris Young slid in between them, but no one caught it.


The A's announced an attendance of 11,220.

Dot Race

Green won the dot race. Green's performance wasn't good enough to inspire the A's.

Up Next

The A's will turn to Tommy Milone to stop the starting pitching struggles of the last two games. He is 3-1 with a 4.26 ERA. The Orioles will send left-handed pitcher Wei-Yin Chen to the mound. He is 1-2 with a 3.38 ERA.

Source: http://www.csnbayarea.com/blog/casey-pratt/pratts-instant-replay-orioles-10-2

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