Friday, December 21, 2012

Protecting Your Ears and Getting a Hearing Test

Hearing loss can touch the lives of the young and old alike. A hearing test is great to detect a loss or to assure a patient that all is well, but it does not prevent loss. Loss can occur because of age, trauma, or excessive noise. We can?t stop aging, and we can?t necessarily avoid trauma. We can control excessive noise, however. What does that mean, though?

Our ears are sensitive. Hearing loss can begin at only eighty five decibels for eight hours. Sixty decibels is a normal conversation, but anything over it means you should take quiet breaks to rest your ears. A lawn mower, rock concert, and even your ear buds can put you over 85 decibels. In fact, any situation where you must speak loudly to be heard is too loud. This doesn?t mean that an evening out with your spouse is bad, only that you shouldn?t do it often. A night out shooting at the range is around 140 decibels.

This could mean that your job is dangerous to your hearing. If going out to dinner in a loud restaurant or pub is dangerous, imagine those who must work there. Consider construction workers, or the boy mowing lawns all summer. What abut the drummer in the band, or the mother with a colicky baby? All of these situations leave these people at a higher risk for hearing loss. A hearing test can keep them informed about how much loss they are suffering, but a better option is to use hearing protection and take breaks.

A mom can?t just walk away from her baby, nor can a performer walk out of a concert. How are these people to protect their ears? A break of just fifteen minutes can allow your ears to rest enough to get through an evening. Ear plugs can be worn in some professions, and a mom should pass baby off to dad now and then. If you choose to attend a concert, try to sit away from the speakers.

If you notice that your hearing has changed suddenly you should see a specialist. If you notice ear pain, or experience ringing in the ears that won?t go away, you should call your doctor. A hearing test may need to be done to help you assess any damage. In some cases, you may want to consider a new job, and in others you might have just found an excuse to make dad take baby more. If nothing else, you can turn down your portable music player and encourage your kids to do the same.

For a reliable green bay, wi hearing test, come to


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