Saturday, September 29, 2012

Multiple similarities discovered between cancer cells and induced pluripotent stem cells

ScienceDaily (Sep. 28, 2012) ? UC Davis investigators have found new evidence that a promising type of stem cell now being considered for a variety of disease therapies is very similar to the type of cells that give rise to cancer. The findings suggest that although the cells -- known as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) -- show substantial promise as a source of replacement cells and tissues to treat injuries, disease and chronic conditions, scientists and physicians must move cautiously with any clinical use because iPSCs could also cause malignant cancer.

The article, "Induced pluripotency and oncogenic transformation are related processes," is now online in the journal, Stem Cells and Development.

"This is the first study that describes the specific molecular pathways that iPSCs and cancer cells share from a direct comparison" said Paul Knoepfler, associate professor of cell biology and human anatomy, and principal investigator of the study. "It means that much more study is required before iPSCs can be used clinically. However, our study adds to a growing knowledge base that not only will help make stem cell therapies safer, but also provide us with new understandings about the cancer-causing process and more effective ways to fight the disease."

Since 2007, cell biologists have been able to induce specialized, differentiated cells (such as those obtained from the skin or muscle of a human adult) to become iPSCs. Like embryonic stem cells, iPSCs are a type of stem cell that is able to become any cell type. This "pluripotent" capability means that iPSCs have the potential of being used in treatments for a variety of human diseases, a fundamentally new type of clinical care known as regenerative medicine.

iPSCs are considered particularly important because their production avoids the controversy that surrounds embryonic stem cells. In addition, iPSCs can be taken from a patient's own skin and induced to produce other needed tissues, thereby evading the possibility of immunologic rejection that arises when transplanting cells from a donor to a recipient. In contrast to therapies based on ES cells, iPSCs would eliminate the need for patients to take immunosuppressive drugs.

Earlier research indicated that both ES cells and iPSCs pose some health risks. Increasing evidence suggests that pluripotency may be related to rapid cellular growth, a characteristic of cancer. iPSCs, as well as embryonic stem cells, are well known by scientists to have the propensity to cause teratomas, an unusual type of benign tumor that consists of many different cell types. The new UC Davis study demonstrates for the first time that iPSCs -- as well as ES cells -- share significant similarities to malignant cancer cells.

The investigators compared iPSCs to a form of malignant cancer known as oncogenic foci that are also produced in laboratories; these cell types are used by medical researchers to create models of cancer, particularly sarcoma. Specifically, the scientists contrasted the different cells' transcriptomes, composed of the RNA molecules or "transcripts." Unlike DNA analysis, which reflects a cell's entire genetic code whether or not the genes are active, transcriptomes reflect only the genes that are actively expressed at a given time and therefore provide a picture of actual cellular activity.

From this transcriptome analysis, the investigators found that the iPSCs and malignant sarcoma cancer cells are unexpectedly similar in several respects. Genes that were not expressed in iPSCs were also not expressed in the cancer-generating cells, including many that have properties that guide a cell to normally differentiate in certain directions. Both cell types also exhibited evidence of similar metabolic activities, another indication that they are related cell types.

"We were surprised how similar iPSCS were to cancer-generating cells," said Knoepfler. "Our findings indicate that the search for therapeutic applications of iPSCs must proceed with considerable caution if we are to do our best to promote patient safety."

Knoepfler noted, for example, that future experimental therapies using iPSCs for human transplants would most often not involve implanting iPSCs directly into a patient. Instead, iPSCs would be used to create differentiated cells -- or tissues -- in the laboratory, which could then be transplanted into a patient. This approach avoids implanting the actual undifferentiated iPSCS, and reduces the risk of tumor development as a side effect. However, Knoepfler noted that even trace amounts of residual iPSCs could cause cancer in patients, a possibility supported by his team's latest research.

Encouragingly, the UC Davis team also found important differences between the cell types that could provide clues to making iPSCs safer. As part of this study, the researchers transformed tumor-generating cell types into iPS-like cells by manipulating their genetic make up. Although the reprogrammed cancer cells did not behave identically to iPSCs, and had reduced ability to produce different cell types, the findings are exciting because they suggest that cancer cells can be reprogrammed into more normal cell types, possibly opening the door to new cancer therapies.

"We found that we could reprogram the cancer cells to behave more akin to normal stem cells," said Knoepfler. "This suggests that such cancer cell reprogramming could become a new way of treating cancer patients, in essence telling their tumors to turn into normal stem cells."

Knoepfler said the team is continuing to study the differences and similarities between iPSCs and cancer cells, as well as investigate possible ways to make iPSCs safer. It appears that targeting specific metabolic pathways may enhance iPSC formation, while modulating other pathways may improve safety.

Other study authors are John Riggs, Bonnie Barrilleaux, Natalia Varlakhanova, Kelly Bush and Vanessa Chan, all of the UC Davis Department of Cell Biology and Human Anatomy.

The study was funded by grants from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine and from the National Institutes of Health (NIH grant 5R01GM100782-01).

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California - Davis Health System.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. John W Riggs, Bonnie Barrilleaux, Natalia Varlakhanova, Kelly Bush, Vanessa Chan, Paul Knoepfler. Induced pluripotency and oncogenic transformation are related processes. Stem Cells and Development, 2012; : 120921101948002 DOI: 10.1089/scd.2012.0375

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Two Kosovo Serbs Arrested Over Wartime Rape :: Balkan Insight

The EU rule of law mission to Kosovo, EULEX, police arrested the first suspect, Dj.B, on Thursday morning, at Babin Most, a village some 15 kilometres north of Pristina, and searched his house.

The second suspect, J.D., was apprehended in the village of Priluzje.

?A EULEX pre-trial judge ordered one month house detention for two suspects arrested in a joint operation by EULEX police and Kosovo police in a war crimes related case,? EULEX told BIRN on Friday.

The two men are suspected of committing war crimes against the civilian population by raping Kosovo Albanian women in April 1999.

The first suspect, Dj.B, is said to have been a police officer, based in the Mitrovica district during the 1998-1999 war in Kosovo .

The case is being investigated by a EULEX Special Prosecutor from the Special Prosecution Office of Kosovo (SPRK).

During the conflict, dozens of raped women from the village of Studime e Eperme and other villages in the Vucitrn / Vushtrri area, were treated by the humanitarian NGO Doctors Without Borders.

However, EULEX did not provide any details of the alleged crimes, or the location where the crimes took place.


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Friday, September 28, 2012

Mammalian Surprise: African Mouse Can Regrow Skin

The African spiny mouse has the ability to regrow large patches of skin and hair without scarring. Ashley W. Seifert/Nature

The African spiny mouse has the ability to regrow large patches of skin and hair without scarring.

Scientists have discovered that a mouse found in Africa can lose large patches of skin and then grow it back without scarring, perhaps as a way of escaping the clutches of a predator.

The finding challenges the conventional view that mammals have an extremely limited ability to replace injured body parts. There are lizards that can regrow lost tails, salamanders that can replace amputated legs, and fish that can generate new fins, but humans and other mammals generally patch up wounds with scar tissue.

That's why Ashley Seifert, a biologist who studies regeneration at the University of Florida, was skeptical when he was at a social get-together and an ecologist told him about some rodents at a research site in Kenya.

"He told me there were these animals, that, when captured by mammalogists, would shed their skin and go taking off into the wild," says Seifert. "You know, when I heard that, I thought he was sort of joking and that it couldn't have been a behavior like that."

Then, a few months later, someone who worked at the Kenya research site sent him a picture of a mouse he had caught in a trap.

"He was holding it in one hand. And there was the piece of skin which had just sort of come off its back, sitting on his leg, and he took a picture of that too," recalls Seifert.

So Seifert flew to Kenya, put traps on some rocky outcroppings and eventually caught some of these brownish-gray mice, called African spiny mice.

"Probably one of the first one or two that I handled, he didn't like being held and sort of moved his body backwards, pushed off with one of his limbs, and that caused a huge tear in his back," recalls Seifert, who realized that the mice really did have incredibly weak skin that tore easily.

And what's more, their skin had an incredible ability to heal. Instead of big scars, Seifert says these mice generate a near-perfect replacement of the original skin, complete with new hair. What's more, when holes are punched into their ears, these mice can re-create the missing hair, skin and cartilage.

In a report in the journal Nature, he and his colleagues describe the cellular process that these mice use to repair wounds. Seifert says that it's similar in some ways to the process that occurs when salamanders regrow limbs.

"My goal, really, is to build on this research and begin to look at some of the underlying mechanisms which are permitting this to occur," says Seifert, who hopes the work could lead to new therapies to allow humans to regenerate tissue in new ways.

Other researchers say that what these African spiny mice can do is just amazing. Voot Yin, a biologist who studies organ regeneration in zebra fish at the Mount Desert Island Biological Lab in Maine, says that traditionally, the field has assumed that adult mammals are lousy at regeneration.

"And obviously, this work showing that you can lose up to 50, 60 percent of your skin and yet heal properly and regenerate all of the missing structures is a remarkable observation," says Yin.

Yin says by studying these mice and other animals to find the common genetic circuits that allow regeneration to occur, scientists could potentially find new ways to heal wounds without scarring.


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Enjoyment of an adventure sport is incomplete without the use of proper protective gears. If you want to take complete pleasure out of your favorite adventure sport, you must wear appropriate gears for that.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Buddhist "Iron Man" Found by Nazis Is from Space

Known as the "iron man," a 24-centimeter high sculpture was likely created from a piece of the Chinga meteorite that was strewn across the border region between Russia and Mongolia between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago

Image: Elmar Buchner

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A Buddhist statue brought to Germany from Tibet by a Nazi-backed expedition has been confirmed as having an extraterrestrial origin.

Known as the "iron man," the 24-cm high sculpture may represent the god Vai?rava?a and was likely created from a piece of the?Chinga meteorite?that was strewn across the border region between Russia and Mongolia between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago, according to Elmar Buchner of the University of Stuttgart, and his colleagues.

In a paper published in?Metoritics & Planetary Science, the team reports their analysis of the iron, nickel, cobalt and trace elements of a sample from the statue, as well as its structure. They found that the geochemistry of the artifact is a match for values known from fragments of the Chinga meteorite. The piece turned into the iron man would be the third largest known from that fall.

Given the extreme hardness of the meteorite ? "basically an inappropriate material for producing sculptures" the paper notes ? the artist or artists who created it may have known their material was special, the researchers say. Buchner suggests it could have been produced by the 11th century Ben culture but the exact origin and age of the statue ? as opposed to the meteorite it is made from ? is still unknown. It is thought to have been brought to Germany by a Nazi-backed expedition to Tibet in 1938-39. The swastika symbol on the piece ? a version of which was adopted by the Nazi party ? may have encouraged the 1938 expedition to take it back with them.

"While the first debris was officially discovered in 1913 by gold prospectors, we believe that this individual meteorite fragment was collected many centuries before," said Buchner in a statement. "The Iron Man statue is the only known illustration of a human figure to be carved into a meteorite."

Although this item may be the only known human figure carved into a rock fallen to earth, other meteorites have also been used by many religions across the world. A 15-ton example in North America called the?Willamette meteorite?is sacred to some native Americans, while some have suggested that the Black Stone in the Kaaba in Mecca is a meteorite.

This article is reproduced with permission from the magazine Nature. The article was first published on September 26, 2012.


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2 sheriff's deputies, suspect shot near San Diego

A police official walks past the Maplewood Apartments after a shooting in Lakeside, Calif. Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012. The San Diego County sheriff's Capt. Duncan Fraser said two deputies and a suspect have been shot while the deputies were trying to contact a child abuse suspect at the suburban apartment complex. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

A police official walks past the Maplewood Apartments after a shooting in Lakeside, Calif. Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012. The San Diego County sheriff's Capt. Duncan Fraser said two deputies and a suspect have been shot while the deputies were trying to contact a child abuse suspect at the suburban apartment complex. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

A police official carries a weapon in front of the Maplewood Apartments after a shooting in Lakeside, Calif., Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012. The San Diego County sheriff's Capt. Duncan Fraser said two deputies and a suspect have been shot while the deputies were trying to contact a child abuse suspect at the suburban apartment complex. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

A police official carries a helmet as he walks past the Maplewood Apartments after a shooting in Lakeside, Calif., Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012. The San Diego County sheriff's Capt. Duncan Fraser said two deputies and a suspect have been shot while the deputies were trying to contact a child abuse suspect at the suburban apartment complex. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

A police official walks past the Maplewood Apartments after a shooting in Lakeside, Calif. Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012. The San Diego County sheriff's Capt. Duncan Fraser said two deputies and a suspect have been shot while the deputies were trying to contact a child abuse suspect at the suburban apartment complex. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

(AP) ? Two sheriff's deputies and a suspected child molester were injured Tuesday during a 15-minute shootout in suburban San Diego, authorities said.

Daniel Robert Witczak, 30, opened fire as a team of deputies arrived to investigate allegations of child abuse, the sheriff's department said in a statement.

Sgt. Craig Johnson and Detective Ali Perez were wounded in the exchange of gunfire at an apartment in Lakeside, a semi-rural community east of San Diego. Sheriff Bill Gore declined to specify their injuries but said in the statement that the department was "hopeful and cautiously optimistic" about their recovery.

Witczak's girlfriend had alleged that she found pornographic pictures of her two daughters, ages 6 and 8, on his cellphone, according U-T San Diego (

The girlfriend met with investigators and called Witczak with detectives listening in to confront him about the photos. Witczak told her he was offered $50,000 to post the images on the Internet.

The woman, who was not identified by the newspaper to protect her children's identities, said she heard deputies arrive at the apartment while she was on the phone. She said she heard gunshots and someone say, "Officers down."

The woman told the newspaper that the boyfriend said he shot himself and she heard him surrender.

Sheriff's Capt. Duncan Fraser said investigators don't believe Witczak shot himself, and that Perez and Johnson were outside the door when Witczak fired at them.

Witczak's condition was unknown.

Jeffrey Miller heard gunshots and came out of his apartment and saw deputies pulling another deputy on to the grass. "It was kind of confusing, everything was happening," he said.

The apartment is near El Capital High School, which was locked down briefly. Residents were evacuated from the apartment complex, and surrounding streets were closed.

Fraser said the last time two San Diego sheriff's deputies were involved in a single shooting was in the 1980s.

"We had two of our deputies shot today in the line of duty," Gore said. "It's a constant reminder of how dangerous this job is that we do every day."


Information from: U-T San Diego,


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Law Abiding Citizen - Shop Online

Clyde Shelton (Gerard Butler) is an upstanding family man whose wife and daughter are brutally murdered during a home invasion. When the killers are caught, Nick Rice (Jamie Foxx), a hotshot young Philadelphia prosecutor, is assigned to the case. Over his objections, Nick is forced by his boss to offer one of the suspects a light sentence in exchange for testifying against his accomplice. Fast forward ten years. The man who got away with murder is found dead and Clyde Shelton admits his guilt. Then he issues a warning to Nick: Either fix the flawed justice system, or key players in the trial will die. Soon Shelton follows through on his threats, orchestrating from his jail cell a string of spectacularly diabolical assassinations that can be neither predicted nor prevented. Only Nick can stop the killing and finds himself in a desperate race against time facing a deadly adversary who seems always to be one step ahead.The legal thriller meets the serial-killer shocker in Law Abiding Citizen. The story begins when home invaders kill Clyde Shelton?s wife and daughter. The bereaved father (played by a thoroughly unsympathetic Gerard Butler) looks to slick Philly prosecutor Nick Rice (a low-key Jamie Foxx) to see that they receive the maximum sentence. Instead, the murderer, Ames, testifies against his accomplice, Darby, who gets the chair, while he gets 10 years. Upon his release, Ames? mutilated body turns up in an abandoned warehouse, and all roads lead to Shelton. Rice attempts to defend him, but his client makes it impossible?Shelton wants to go to prison?so he does time, but then members of Rice?s legal team start to die. The attorney suspects Shelton, but can?t connect him to the crimes, so he races against the clock to save the lives of his assistant, Sarah (Leslie Bibb), D.A. Jonas (Bruce McGill), and his own wife and child. The movie may sound like a Yank reboot of the Japanese chiller Cure, in which an inmate kills from inside institutional walls, but plays more like a mash-up between The Silence of the Lambs, without the psychological complexity, and The Devil?s Advocate, without the cynical giggles. F. Gary Gray got his start with hip-hop videos and urban action flicks, like Set It Off, until he hit the big time with his remake of The Italian Job. Law Abiding Citizen is a disappointing muddle from a director who?s done better in the past and will surely do better in the future. ?Kathleen C. Fennessy

Stills from Law Abiding Citizen (Click for larger image)

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A Ray of Hope

Every day until the election, Slate will offer up one reason to be optimistic for your candidate.

Today?s Good News for Obama: Both the Obama and Romney campaigns continue to hit Ohio hard, crisscrossing the state this week. And for good reason: If Obama wins the Buckeye State, he can lose Virginia and Florida and still win the election. If Romney wins Ohio, his path to 270 electoral votes becomes much clearer. (No Republican president has moved into the White House without moving Ohio into the win column.) But as Election Day draws closer, Obama?s lead there has remained small but consistent, standing today at about 5 points. It may not seem like much, but that 51 to 46 margin may be the one that matters most.

See Barack Obama?s good news from Friday.


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Research Lacking on Drugs for Older Children With Autism, Study ...

45009 Research Lacking on Drugs for Older Children With Autism, Study Finds
By Serena Gordon
HealthDay Reporter

MONDAY, Sept. 24 (HealthDay News) ? More and more children are growing up with autism, and although many treatments and interventions are now available, clinical studies on the use of medications in teens and young adults are lacking, according to new research.

?The majority of (older) individuals with autism spectrum disorders appear to be taking medications that we have very little evidence for,? said the study?s lead author, Dr. Jeremy Veenstra-VanderWeele, medical director of the Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders at the Vanderbilt Brain Institute in Nashville, Tenn.

?In the absence of sufficient evidence, parents and people with autism should find a clinician who tells you what?s known and unknown about the potential benefits and risks of any medication,? he said. ?It should be a shared decision-making process.?

Results of the study were published online on Sept. 24 in the journal Pediatrics.

Autism spectrum disorders are neurodevelopmental disorders that impair social development and communication. Autism spectrum disorders also may cause repetitive movements and even self-abusive behavior, such as head banging, according to the U.S. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).

It is estimated that about one in 88 American children has been identified with an autism spectrum disorder

As children with autism age, some do experience significant improvements, according to NINDS, but many do not. There is no cure for autism, although there are many treatments available, including education and behavioral interventions and medications.

Medications usually are used to treat some of the symptoms associated with autism, rather than the core symptoms of the condition, according to background information in the new study. For example, the medication risperidone (brand name Risperdal) may be used to treat behavioral symptoms associated with autism, such as aggression, outbursts and irritability, said Dr. Melissa Nishawala, medical director of the Autism Spectrum Disorders Clinical and Research Program at the NYU Child Study Center in New York City.

?Medications like risperidone and aripiprazole don?t address the cause of autism, but they help calm down [people with autism],? Veenstra-VanderWeele said.

For the new study, the researchers reviewed medical literature from 1980 through 2011 to find clinical trials on drugs for people with autism between the ages of 13 and 30 years old. They found eight studies with at least 20 participants. Two investigators independently assessed the quality of the studies.

The researchers said they found four studies of fair quality while the other four were poor. The studies included reviews of antipsychotic medications, such as risperidone and haloperidol (Haldol); serotonin reuptake inhibitors, such as fluvoxamine (Luvox) and clomipramine (Anafranil); and opioid receptor agonists, such as naltrexone (Depade).

The researchers felt that, overall, there wasn?t enough data on medications in the teen and young adult autism population. Risperidone wasn?t well studied in teens and young adults, but there was evidence for its use if the entire pediatric population was considered, the study said.

Although behavioral and educational interventions weren?t included in the new study, Veenstra-VanderWeele said he suspects there?s a lack of evidence for these types of treatments in older children and young adults too.

?We really don?t know if intensive behavior interventions continue to benefit individuals as they get older,? he said.

NYU?s Nishawala said: ?The most important thing for parents to take away is that we know there are a few medications that have been studied that can help. Certain symptoms like irritability, agitation and aggression can be controlled with medications, but there?s lesser evidence that repetitive behaviors can be treated.?

Nishawala added that although she and others who treat older children and young adults with autism would love to have more evidence-based research on the medications they use, it can be difficult to get parents and older children to participate in clinical trials when medications are already available to them for what?s known as ?off-label? use. That?s when doctors prescribe medications for a condition for which the drug has yet to receive U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval.

In addition, she said, it?s difficult to get funding for trials, particularly when a drug already has been approved.

More information

Learn more about autism and teens from the Nemours Foundation.

SOURCES: Jeremy Veenstra-VanderWeele, M.D., medical director, the Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders, Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development, Vanderbilt Brain Institute, Nashville, Tenn.; Melissa Nishawala, M.D., medical director, Autism Spectrum Disorders Clinical and Research Program, NYU Child Study Center, New York City; October 2012, Pediatrics, online Sept. 24, 2012

Last Updated: Sept. 24, 2012

Copyright ? 2012 HealthDay. All rights reserved.

HEALTHDAY Web XSmall Research Lacking on Drugs for Older Children With Autism, Study Finds


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China tells Japan islands are 'sacred Chinese territory'

BEIJING/TOKYO (Reuters) - China claimed islands at the core of a row with Japan as its "sacred territory" in talks between the two countries' foreign ministers, Xinhua news agency said on Wednesday, as neither side showed any sign of backing down in a long-festering feud.

Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba urged China to exercise restraint at what he called a tense hour-long meeting over the dispute, which triggered violent anti-Japanese protests in China this month and is threatening ties between Asia's two biggest economies, Japan's Kyodo news agency said.

Xinhua said Yang reiterated China's "solemn position on the issue of Diaoyu Islands, which have been China's sacred territory since ancient times".

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura told a news conference in Tokyo the two sides had agreed to keep talking.

"There is no magic bullet in foreign diplomacy. We need to hold talks through various channels taking into account of broad perspective," Fujimura told a news conference in Tokyo.

Sino-Japanese relations deteriorated sharply this month after Japan's central government bought the isolated East China Sea islands, called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, from their private owner, sparking the anti-Japan protests across China.

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China's meetings with Japanese diplomats - at the United Nations and a day earlier in Beijing - suggest Beijing does not want tensions over the island chain, believed to be in waters rich in natural gas deposits, to lead to a rupture in relations.

But the unyielding tone of China's published remarks suggests that the row is far from over. Beijing has repeatedly called the islands its "sacred territory since ancient times".

"The Japanese move is a gross violation of China's territorial integrity and sovereignty, an outright denial of the outcomes of victory of the world anti-fascist war and a grave challenge to the post-war international order," said Yang, according to the Xinhua summary of his comments.


Sino-Japanese ties have long been plagued by China's bitter memories of Tokyo's military aggression in the 1930s and 1940s as well as present rivalry over regional resources and clout.

The row coincides with a once-in-a-decade leadership change in China, while Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's ruling party faces a drubbing in an election expected in months, domestic dynamics that are make it hard for either side to retreat.

Noda is under fire from the main opposition party, which picks a new leader and possible next premier later on Wednesday.

Japan, which says the islands' purchase was meant to fend off a more provocative bid by the nationalist governor of Tokyo, Shintaro Ishihara, to have his metropolitan government buy them, is trying to keep communications channels open.

China postponed a ceremony marking the 40th anniversary of the resumption of diplomatic ties with Japan, but an official at the Japan-China Economic Association said Toyota Motor Corp Chairman Fujio Cho and Hiromasa Yonekura, chairman of Japanese business lobby Keidanren, and other representatives of Japan-China friendship groups would attend an event on Thursday in Beijing.

Patrol vessels from the two countries have also been playing a tense game of cat-and-mouse in the waters near the disputed islands, raising concerns that an unintended collision or other incident could escalate into a broader clash.

(Reporting by Chris Buckley; Writing by Linda Sieg; Editing by Nick Macfie)


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bill Nye, former 'Science Guy,' warns creationism threatens US science (+video)

Bill?Nye, a mechanical engineer and star of the popular 1990s TV show 'Bill?Nye?The Science Guy,' has waded into the evolution debate with an online video that urges parents not to pass their religious-based doubts about evolution on to their children.

By Dylan Lovan,?Associated Press / September 24, 2012

In a 2010 photo, Bill Nye, host of television's 'Bill Nye the Science Guy,' arrives as President Barack Obama hosts a White House science fair in Washington. Nye recently waded into the evolution debate with an online video urging parents not to pass their religious-based doubts about evolution on to their children.

J. Scott Applewhite/AP


The man known to a generation of Americans as "The Science Guy" is condemning efforts by some Christian groups to cast doubts on evolution and lawmakers who want to bring the Bible into science classrooms.

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'; } else if (google_ads.length > 1) { ad_unit += ''; } } document.getElementById("ad_unit").innerHTML += ad_unit; google_adnum += google_ads.length; return; } var google_adnum = 0; google_ad_client = "pub-6743622525202572"; google_ad_output = 'js'; google_max_num_ads = '1'; google_feedback = "on"; google_ad_type = "text"; google_adtest = "on"; google_image_size = '230x105'; google_skip = '0'; // --> "Bill Nye the Science Guy" has created a stir with a new online video in which he says adults who deny evolution and teach a literal biblical view are hurting America's future. He talks to Gayle King about the video, which has been viewed more than 1.2 million times in just five days.

Bill?Nye, a mechanical engineer and star of the popular 1990s TV show "Bill?Nye?The Science Guy," has waded into the evolution debate with an online video that urges parents not to pass their religious-based doubts about evolution on to their children.

Christians who view the stories of the Old Testament as historical fact have come to be known as creationists, and many argue that the world was created by God just a few thousand years ago.

"The Earth is not 6,000 or 10,000 years old,"?Nye?said in an interview with The Associated Press. "It's not. And if that conflicts with your beliefs, I strongly feel you should question your beliefs."

Millions of Americans do hold those beliefs, according to a June Gallup poll that found 46 percent of Americans believe God created humans in their present form about 10,000 years ago.

Nye, 56, also decried efforts in recent years by lawmakers and school boards in some states to present Bible stories as an alternative to evolution in public schools. Tennessee passed a law earlier this year that protects teachers who let students criticize evolution and other scientific theories. That echoes a Louisiana law passed in 2008 that allows teachers to introduce supplemental teaching materials in science classes.

"If we raise a generation of students who don't believe in the process of science, who think everything that we've come to know about nature and the universe can be dismissed by a few sentences translated into English from some ancient text, you're not going to continue to innovate,"?Nye?said in a wide-ranging telephone interview.

In the video he tells adults they can dismiss evolution, "but don't make your kids do it. Because we need them." Posted by Big Think, an online knowledge forum, the clip went viral and has 4.6 million views on YouTube. It has garnered 182,000 comments from critics and supporters.

It drew the ire of the creationism group Answers in Genesis, which built a biblically based Creation Museum in Kentucky that teaches the stories of the Old Testament and has attracted headlines for its assertion that dinosaurs roamed alongside Adam and Eve.

The group produced a response video featuring two scientists who say the Bible has the true account of Earth's origins, and that "children should be exposed to both ideas concerning our past."

Nye, who is prone to inject dry humor into scientific discussions, said Earth is about 4.5 billion years old.

"What I find troubling, when you listen to these people ... once in a while I get the impression that they're not kidding,"?Nye?said.


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Nearly 10 percent of all inmates in this country are military veterans. Faith an...

Nearly 10 percent of all inmates in this country are military veterans. Faith and Values reporter Jennifer Berry Hawes talked to veterans who are behind bars here in the Lowcountry and writes about how they got there, their struggles with drugs, alcohol and PTSD, and how the VA is reaching out to them:

Photo by Leroy Burnell: Former U.S. Army demolitions specialist Adam McLean is escorted to his cell by a Charleston County detention center officer, herself a military veteran.


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Toyota plans dialed-back launch of eQ and iQ EV city cars in December

Toyota plans limited launch of eQ and iQ EV in December

Toyota's just-arrived RAV4 EV will soon get a much smaller cousin -- albeit a very elusive one. An electric version of the iQ city car will arrive in Japan (as the eQ) and the US (as the iQ EV) this December, but the automaker is significantly scaling back its 2010 promises of several thousand cars sold per year to just 100 fleet-oriented vehicles. The charging times, costs and range of EVs "do not meet society's needs," vice chairman Takeshi Uchiyamada says to explain the smaller ambitions. It's easy to understand the cautious approach after seeing the car's final details. While they're not out of line with the specs of other EVs, the eQ's 3-hour fast charge, 62-mile range and ¥3.6 million ($46,130) price wouldn't have regular customers flocking to dealerships. Most of Toyota's energy is instead being funneled into its tried-and-true hybrids, with 21 due on the market by 2015, as well as plans to deliver the company's first hydrogen fuel cell car by the same year. Eco-conscious drivers may be disappointed that Toyota isn't moving as aggressively into a pure electric realm as some of its rivals, but we'd rather see smartly planned baby steps than an overly risky plunge.

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Toyota plans dialed-back launch of eQ and iQ EV city cars in December originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 24 Sep 2012 13:17:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Monday, September 24, 2012

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Lebanese Christian leader says escaped assassin

BEIRUT (AP) ? The leader of Lebanon's largest Christian bloc in parliament, which supports the Syrian-backed Shiite Hezbollah group, says he was the target of a failed assassination attempt when his convoy came under fire.

Tensions in Lebanon linked to the conflict in neighboring Syria are on the rise.

Michel Aoun said in comments carried by his party's website Sunday that gunmen shot at one of the cars in his convoy in the predominantly Sunni southern port city of Sidon late Saturday.

Interior minister Marwan Charbel confirmed the shooting and said investigations were under way to determine whether it was an assassination attempt.

Saturday's attack is the latest reported attempt to assassinate a prominent Christian politician in Lebanon in the past few months.

Associated Press


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Some Questions About The Green Energy | News and Society Tips ...

It?s a fact that using green energy is just too difficult. I can?t find the time to incorporate green energy. A lot of people also do not know where to start. Regardless of your excuse, this article will make it invalid. In this article, you will be presented with several easy to use, and cost effective green energy solutions that can help your home. Click here for more details.

Go green on your coffee break by bringing your own cup. If you usually order a Tall Latte at Starbucks, bring a tall re-usable coffee mug with you. Every time you ask your favorite coffee shop to mix your drink in your own cup, you are helping to green your environment.If you are struggling to maintain low energy costs in your home, you should try putting in a water-efficient flow control washer or shower rose that is Triple A-rated. Triple-A appliances are designed to decrease the amount of energy used in your home, which will ultimately lead to large savings.One can also check for more details.

The average washing machine uses a lot of hot water. It can use over 30 gallons each load. Cut down on its hot water usage by washing in cold water. Many people struggle with this because they insist on having the water warm. If you?re one of them, try replacing your machine with an Energy Star unit. Many modern detergents clean clothes really well at low temperatures.If your home has a pool or hot tub, look into a solar water heating system. Installing a solar water heating system costs about the same as a conventional system, but operating costs for the system will be much lower. Repair costs for solar heating systems are often lower as well.

Try using a solar oven for your baking needs. You will not even notice this difference in temperature, and you?ll save a lot of money and energy. In addition, the amount of carbon being used will decrease by around 14%.

Related posts:

  1. Green Energy And What It Means For Your Future
  2. Things People Should Know About DIY Green Energy
  3. Using Green Energy To Help Your Everyday Life
  4. Straightforward Green Energy Solutions Each Home Can Use
  5. Solar Energy And Compelling Cases For Using It


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Microsoft Windows 8 Appfest sets app developers record

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Microsoft Windows 8 Appfest, held at Karnataka Trade Promotion Organization (KTPO) in the outskirts of Bangalore, set a new Guinness world record as 2567 app developers coded for 18 hours straight. However, Microsoft had expected at least 3500 developers to last through the attempt.

Speaking from the Windows Appfest, Jon DeVaan, Corporate Vice President, Windows Development, Microsoft said, "Developers are at the center of Microsoft's success. And India is home to some of the world's most talented developers. We are focused on enabling developers to succeed as they build the next generation of apps. I can't wait to see some of these apps being built at the Windows Appfest."

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Addressing the media, Bhaskar Pramanik, Chairman, Microsoft India said, "Microsoft is making significant investments and working with 1.2 million developers, over 1000 Independent Software Vendors and more than 2000 System Integrators to empower them with the tools, technologies and training required to develop high end skills and compete in a global marketplace."

The event of this scale was supported by two Gigabits of bandwidth coming into the venue and six power generating stations ensured that power failure was not a problem.

Surprised developers present at the venue cheered as Steven Sinofsky, President of Windows and Windows Live at Microsoft wished the developers luck via a video message.

Pramanik also confirmed that Windows 8 will release on October 26. However, he consciously avoided any questions surrounding the release dates for the hardware including Microsoft's very own tablet - Surface.


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Hope College football loses to No. 15 Illinois Wesleyan

The Hope College football team could not muster an upset on Saturday at home, losing to 15th-ranked Illinois Wesleyan 23-13.

Illinois Wesleyan improved to 3-0 on the season in front of a Holland Municipal Stadium crowd of 1,810, while the Flying Dutchmen fell to 1-3 with their third consecutive loss.

Read more The Sentinel's analysis of the game in Sunday's newspaper and e-edition.

Illinois Wesleyan built a 23-0 lead before Hope scored on Vincent Boddy?s 5-yard touchdown catch from Michael Atwell with 3 minutes, 51 seconds remaining in the third quarter.

Hope added another score with 5:07 remaining the game when Christian Subdon recovered the fumble of teammate Brian Lynn in the end zone for a touchdown.

?The thing that hurt us in the first half was that it was one guy here and there,? Hope coach Dean Kreps said. ?It wasn?t like it was a play that wasn?t working or they were dominating, but we?d have a breakdown over here or on the other side. You can?t do that.?

The Flying Dutchmen limited Illinois Wesleyan to 33 yards rushing and the fewest amount of points to an opponent this season. Hope yielded 112 points in the previous two games combined.

?We made some personnel changes,? Kreps said. ??We moved (Mark) Karam back to nickel back and we moved Santino (DeCesare) to free safety and I think that helped us. They were in on a lot of plays.?

Hope scored a season-low 13 points and was outgained in yards 336-119, including 60 yards rushing.

Scoring summary

IWU?? ?14?? ?6?? ?3?? ?0 - 23
Hope?? ?0?? ?0?? ?7?? ?6 - 13

First quarter
IWU-Dan O?Neill 46 pass from Mike Heaton (Michael Kelley kick), 3:58
IWU-Parker Carroll 33 pass from Rob Gallick (Kelley kick), 1:44
Second quarter
IWU-Cameron Blossom 6 run (run failed), 13:23
Third quarter
IWU-Michael Kelley 39 field goal, 9:23
Hope-Vincent Boddy 5 pass from Michael Atwell (Evan Finch kick), 3:51
Fourth quarter
Hope-Christian Subdon 1 run with recovered fumble (run failed), 5:07


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Family Trees May Contain Nuts: PINK PUMPKIN?DECORATING ...

I came across something new, to me anyway, today.

Right outside piled up on a shelf away from the usual fall pumpkins at my grocery store I saw pink pumpkins.

I challenge you to find some and use them decoratively in your home and link the post here.

I will leave this meme running until December 1st. because the US has Thanksgiving in November whereas Canada has theirs in October.

I can?t wait to see what you come up with. I sure hope you can find some in your area.?
?1. You must link back to this blog with your entry or it will not show up.??
2.You must use the permalink for your actual Pink PUmpkin Post? and not your general blog link


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Paula Bennett: Not all kids need pre-school : Family First NZ

Posted by Bob on Monday, September 24, 2012

NZ Herald 23 Sep 2012
Social Development Minister Paula Bennett says she believes some parents do not need to enrol their children in early childhood education ? but concedes her welfare reforms will force beneficiaries to do just that. Parents on benefits will have to enrol their children in early childhood education from the age of three until they attend school under a bill that passed its first reading in Parliament on Thursday. The move is part of the Government?s second wave of welfare reforms, which will redefine the existing benefit categories and place new obligations on beneficiaries. Under the changes, parents who fail to take ?all reasonable steps? to ensure their children attend at least 15 hours of early childhood education a week could have their benefits halved as a last resort. Ms Bennett told TVNZ?s Q+A programme today that she did not believe all children needed early childhood education. ?I don?t think that every child actually needs to be in early childhood education, but I do think it benefits those that are most vulnerable so much, that that?s why I?m doing this.?

?.Ms Bennett said there were about 220,000 children with parents on benefits, about 31,500 of whom were aged three and four. Only some would be tested ? about 20,000 to 25,000 children a year. ?The others we expect them to, but we won?t be checking up to see if they have.? Ms Bennett said some parents were not aware of the value of early childhood education, were unsure how to access it or believed there were barriers. There would be ?very clear expectations? that the Government wanted them to enrol their children. ?But we will work with them really intensively, one-on-one case management, we?ll only be dealing with those that we deem to be most vulnerable. It?s really about support and encouragement ? the?sanction is very much at the end of what will be a long and intense process.?


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Sunday, September 23, 2012

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Watch Joe Benavidez?s win over Miguel Torres (VIDEO)

With Joe Benavidez fighting Demetrious Johnson for the UFC's first flyweight title at UFC 152 on Saturday, spend some time watching Benavidez in the fight that earned him his first title shot. After Benavidez won this fight over Miguel Torres at WEC 47, he fought (and lost to) Dominick Cruz for the WEC bantamweight title.

If you want to skip past the introductions, go to the 2:10 mark. The second round starts about seven minutes in, and the finish is around the nine-minute mark.

Something to remember about this fight is that at this point, Torres had just shockingly lost the bantamweight title to Brian Bowles. He was still considered a top pound-for-pound fighter. Stephan Bonnar and Todd Harris, who were calling the fight, were surprised as Benavidez dominated the bout.

Will Benavidez score another big win on Saturday night? Speak up in the comments, on Facebook or Twitter.


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Protesting Libyans overrun militant compound

Thousands of Libyans storm an Islamic militia group's base to show support for the country's government. MSNBC's Thomas Roberts and NBC's Atia Abawi report.

By NBC News staff and wire reports

Updated 9:08 a.m. ET:?An Islamist militia was driven out of the city of Benghazi early on Saturday in a surge of protest against the armed groups that control large parts of Libya more than a year after the overthrow of Moammar Gadhafi.

A spokesman for Ansar al-Shariah said the group had evacuated its bases in Benghazi "to preserve security in the city."?

In a dramatic sign of Libya's fragility, the crowd swept through the base and?went on to attack a pro-government militia, believing them to be Islamists, triggering an armed response in which at least 11 people were killed and more than 60 wounded, according to Reuters.

Ansar al-Shariah is the militant al-Qaida inspired group that some allege played a role in the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that left four Americans dead, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.

White House: Libya consulate siege that killed four was 'terrorist attack'

The invasion of its compound, which met little resistance, appeared to be part of a coordinated sweep of militia bases by police, government troops and activists following a mass public demonstration against militia units in Benghazi on Friday.?

While the late Friday protests were planned in advance though social networking sites and flyers, the storming of the heavily armed militia headquarters took many by surprise.

Abdullah Doma / AFP - Getty Images

An armed Libyan man flashes the victory sign in front of a fire at the hardline Islamist group Ansar el-Sharia headquarters in Benghazi on Friday.

Demonstrators pulled down militia flags and set a vehicle on fire inside what was once the base of Gadhafi's security forces who tried to put down the first protests that sparked last year's uprising.

Hundreds of men waving swords and even a meat cleaver chanted "Libya, Libya," "No more al-Qaida!" and "The blood we shed for freedom shall not go in vain!"?

"After what happened at the American consulate, the people of Benghazi had enough of the extremists," demonstrator Hassan Ahmed said. "They did not give allegiance to the army. So the people broke in and they fled.?

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As parts of the Muslim world fire up with anti-American protests, thousands rally to support America in Benghazi, Libya, where the U.S. ambassador and three others were killed a week earlier. NBC's Brian Williams reports.

"This place is like the Bastille. This is where Gadhafi controlled Libya from, and then Ansar al-Shariah took it over. This is a turning point for the people of Benghazi."

'Benghazi will be your inferno!'
Adusalam al-Tarhouni, a government worker who arrived with the first wave of protesters, said several pickup trucks with Ansar fighters had initially confronted the protesters and opened fire. Two protesters were shot in the leg, he said.?

"After that they got into their trucks and drove away," he said. Protesters had freed four prisoners found inside, he said.?

Continuing to chant anti-Ansar slogans, the crowd, swelling into the thousands, moved on to try to storm a separate compound where the powerful pro-government Rafallah al-Sahati militia was entrusted with guarding a big weapons store, and opened fire on the assailants.

Looters carried weapons out of the compound as men chanted: "Say to Ansar al-Shariah: 'Benghazi will be your inferno!'"

Officials at three hospitals told a Reuters correspondent they had a total of five dead and more than 60 wounded from the night's violence.

A trail of blood near two abandoned cars led police to six more dead bodies near the Rafallah al-Sahati compound on Saturday morning, police officer Ahmed Ali Agouri said.

"We came as peaceful protesters. When we got there they started shooting at us," student Sanad al-Barani said. "Five people were wounded beside me. They used 14.5 mm machineguns."

After Libya, renewed questions about al-Qaida?

The withdrawal of Ansar al-Shariah across Benghazi and the huge outpouring of public support for the government suggests an extraordinary transformation in a country where the authorities had seemed largely powerless to curb the influence of militia groups armed with heavy weapons.

Nevertheless, Ansar al-Shariah and other Islamist militias have bases elsewhere in eastern Libya, notably around the coastal city of Derna, known across the region as a major recruitment centre for fighters who joined the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.?

'No to militias'
The militias, a legacy of the rag-tag popular forces that fought Gadhafi's regime, tout themselves as protectors of Libya's revolution, providing security where police cannot. But they now face public criticism and are accused of acting like gangs, detaining and intimidating rivals and carrying out killings.?

Abdullah Doma / AFP - Getty Images

Thousands of people march in Benghazi during a protest against militias on Friday. The Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate that killed four Americans was the spark that ignited growing frustration with the armed groups that have proliferated since the ouster of Moammar Gadhafi.

Libyan military chief of staff Youssef al-Mangoush said three big militias ? Rafallah Sahati, Feb. 17 and Libya Shield ? are considered "pro-government" and warned protesters against pushing for what he described as "counter-revolution" goals. The government heavily depended on Rafallah Sahati, for example, to secure Benghazi during the country's first national elections in July in decades. The militia took its name from an Islamist fighter who battled fiercely against Gadhafi's forces earlier in the revolution.

But most of Libya's militias still answer to their commanders before the state. Protesters, like those on Friday, want the fighters to be trained outside Benghazi and follow state army orders as individual soldiers and not as part of a militia. Many of the militiamen are unruly and undisciplined civilians who raised arms during the eight-month war.

Mohammed al-Megarif, head of Libya's General National Congress, ordered protesters to leave alone militias that are "under state legitimacy, and go home." Nearly seven hours of clashes ended shortly after his demand that was broadcast on local Libyan TV channels.?

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Although the main demands of the marchers on Friday did not mention the attack on the U.S. Consulate, it seems to have provided a strong impetus for the authorities to rally support behind the country's weak government.

Some protesters carried signs reading "The ambassador was Libya's friend" and "Libya lost a friend," the AP reported.

"I don't want to see armed men wearing Afghani-style clothes stopping me in the street to give me orders, I only want to see people in uniform," said Omar Mohammed, a university student who took part in the takeover told AP.

The Associated Press, Reuters and NBC News' Ayman Mohyeldin and Kari Huus contributed to this report.

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