Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Web Content: Write, Hire or Outsource? - Better Business Brand

Web Content: Write, Hire, or Outsource?

This is a guest post by Dan Ripoll of GuestBlogGenius.com.

There are many things to consider when first creating a website. One of which is determining how you will obtain the content for your website. Do you write it yourself, hire someone to work for you and create the content, or outsource to a professional content creation company? Only you can make this decision but we hope this article gives a little more insight as to the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Internal hiring

Hiring writers internally means you will hire one or more writers to create your content for you. Many companies or website owners will do this when they need website creation done in addition to content for a blog, social media posts, reports, etc. In other words, if you plan to need content for many things, not just the website alone, you should consider hiring internally.

Create a job listing detailing exactly what you are looking for. Submit this listing on your own website, an online job directory, your local classifieds, etc. You get the idea. Most professional writers will have an online portfolio or a way to prove their experience. This is what you want to look for. Someone who has experience with your niche and who can provide the quality of writing you want.

The cost for hiring internally varies because it depends on what you are looking for. However, with the many available professional writers you will find, several should be within your budget. Be realistic when determining what you can afford to pay someone to write your content. If you find that your budget is too low for the writers you have found, consider increasing it or composing the content on your own. You can hire someone to review and edit your content for a lower rate which might be more suitable in a case like this one.

Outsourcing to an agency

Similar to the many individual content writers you can find online, you will also find outsourcing firms and agencies. They provide the same service of an individual but can produce faster turnaround due to the staff of writers they already have.

Obviously, this tells us that outsourcing would be a quicker way to getting your content. The fees for such agencies and firms vary with each one but are typically lower than the fee for hiring an individual writer. The quality will also have an effect on the price so it really comes down to what you are looking for. This is a great way to have all your content creation needs met at one time rather than on an ?as-needed? basis.

A disadvantage to outsourcing is that you may find the style to be different from what you desire. A website should carry the same writing style so that readers do not become distracted or find it too hard to read. You can always edit the submitted content so that the style reflects that of your site or some agencies will write in a certain style for you. There is a chance you can show them the style you prefer and their writers can make it happen, creating less havoc on your end.

Outsourcing on an ?as-needed? basis

Hiring writers on an ?as needed? basis does have its own perks. It?s affordable because you set the budget and choose someone willing to work in that range. This is more beneficial to those taking things one step at a time or who are not yet ready to create a blog, use social media sites, and the like.

Last, but not the least benefit, is that you have the opportunity to build a long term relationship with your writer(s). This means no more stress on job postings, weeding through writers to find those suitable for your job, and less waiting time for project completion. Many writers prefer to keep their new employers and write for them when their services are needed. This is a win/win for both you and the writer.

Dan Ripoll is co-founder and CEO of GuestBlogGenius.com, a trusted guest blogging platform used by website owners looking to increase the authority of their websites.

Image by ilouque under a CC BY 2.0 license.

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Source: http://betterbusinessbrand.com/web-content-write-hire-or-outsource

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